3.1.7 Workbench Notifications

Accessed via the Workbench -> Top right hand side -> Bell icon with number(s) - depending if there are any unread notifications.
If you click on the Notifications Bell Icon, then a side window will appear showing the notification messages (highlighted as a red number) that are related to you as a user in regards to tickets or posts/comments from the Portal.
If you click the checkbox next to each message then it will mark it as 'Read' and it will disappear from the list.
You can also select ‘Mark All as Read’ and this will clear the entire list of unread notifications.
You either View Unread notifications which is the default when you first see this window or you can View All.
Users can also choose to receive email update/summary of the notifications.
The default setting to receive a notification email summary is set to ‘Hourly’, however you can change your preferences to receive ‘Immediately’, ‘Daily’ or ‘Never’ by clicking on the ‘Change Email Notification Frequency’ at the bottom of the notifications list.
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