3.3.1 Suppliers Overview

3.3.1 Suppliers Overview

The Agent Suppliers screen is where you set-up and manage the Suppliers you use for the Blocks which you manage and their expenditure.

Access via the menu option: Agent Management -> Agent Suppliers:

Agent Suppliers home page:

The screen has column headings which show the following:

Supplier Name: name of the Supplier.

Contact Name: name(s) of the relevant contacts at the Supplier.

Phone Number: number(s) of relevant contacts at the Supplier.

Address: address of the Supplier

Default Service: service description of the main service which the Supplier provides. The 

If you need to alter or add to the list of services, then please see this KB article on how to edit your chart of accounts: 3.5.11 Chart of Accounts

Status: displays either ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’ depending on the relevant status of the Supplier.

NB: the default setting of the Agent Suppliers home page is to only show ‘Active’ suppliers. To display ‘Inactive’ suppliers you will need to click on the ‘Include Inactive Suppliers’ box at the top right of the screen and then refresh the page and that will then display both statuses.

The default display for the home page is to show the Supplier Name in alphabetical order but you can use the ‘Search’ field to search for a relevant keyword item and the column headings can be clicked on to change the sort order.

In addition, you can download an 'Excel' or 'PDF' list of the suppliers which you have searched for.

Click on the ‘View’ button on the right hand side of the screen for the relevant supplier you wish to see the details of and the following pop-up screen will appear:

You will see all the key details for the individual supplier displayed in the various sections:
'Supplier Details'
'Mail Correspondence'
'Payment Method'

And you can click on the edit symbol for the relevant section if you wish to change the details shown.

As an extra feature, in the ‘Supplier Tickets’ section all tickets associated with a supplier can now be viewed directly from the Agent Suppliers screen in the Workbench under the relevant Supplier.

Suppliers can also be emailed (outside of the system at the moment) if you click on the email address on that supplier record.
If you have a local email software installed like Outlook, then this will open up a new message window for that software.


To add a supplier click on the ‘Add New Supplier’ button and the following pop-up screen will appear:

There are a number of mandatory fields you need to complete, denoted by red asterisks.

Enter the name of the supplier, address details, payment method details and the default service that they provide along with any other information you wish to record for the supplier. If the supplier provides more than one type of service then just select their primary one. 

Once suppliers are created, they can be linked to one or several blocks (Click here to see the article: Allocating a Supplier to a Block).


Deleting a Supplier:

You can only delete a supplier record if the supplier has NO supplier invoice(s), ticket(s), works order(s) and quotation(s) or opening balance listed against that supplier in the system.

To delete a supplier open up the relevant Supplier Details screen and click on the ‘Delete’ button in the bottom left corner.

A pop-up message will display confirming if you wish to go ahead and delete the supplier and then click the ‘OK’ button to confirm and the supplier details will be deleted from your account.

NB: if any of the conditions apply meaning you cannot delete the supplier details then a pop-up message will appear and display which particular condition(s) apply:

Deactivating a Supplier:

You can deactivate a supplier which means any existing data pertaining to that Supplier will still be available in your account BUT that you will no longer be able to record new invoices, create new tickets, quotations and/or work orders against the deactivated supplier.

To deactivate a supplier open up the relevant Supplier Details screen and click on edit symbol in the ‘Supplier Details’ panel then in the ‘Status’ field select ‘Inactive’ from the dropdown menu and click on ‘Save’. A pop-up message will occur to confirm if you wish to deactivate the supplier and click ‘OK’ to proceed.

The ‘Status’ field will then display ‘Inactive’ and if you close the Agent Suppliers pop-up window and refresh the main Agent Supplier home page that supplier will no longer display as Active.

If you wish to make the supplier Active again you just follow the above process but change the ‘Status’ back to ‘Active’ and save to reinstate the supplier active status.

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