3.3.3 Supplier Invoices List Screen

3.3.3 Supplier Invoices List Screen

The Supplier Invoices screen in the Workbench enables you to view and edit supplier invoices across all the Blocks which you manage.

To access the screen go to: Finance -> Accounts Payable -> Supplier Invoices.

The screen has various filters that you can search by including Block, Supplier, Payment Status, Service, From / To Date Range (the default date range shows one month up to today’s date) and Fee Type (how the expenditure is classified as).

NOTE: Other Fee Type is anything that is not Service Charge or Reserve Fund Expenditure such as Ground Rent. You can then run the Ground Rent Expenditure report to see these separately. 

You can also use the Search field to search for a relevant keyword item and the column headings can be clicked on to change the sort order.

The payment status filter contains 2 statuses. If you select Unpaid then the list will show the Unpaid as well as Partially Paid invoices.

In addition, you can download an Excel or PDF list of the supplier invoices which you have searched for.

Plus on the far right hand column you are able to click on the Details button to open up that specific supplier invoice details screen (see screenshot below)

NOTE: where you see a document icon this means a copy of the invoice has been attached.

You can upload documents from here as well if none have been already loaded against the supplier invoice. 
There is a list of file extensions that are accepted by the system and any others will throw up an error: 

This supplier invoice details screen displays the same information that is shown for that particular invoice in the Block area and you are able to edit and delete it and you can also use the Login to Block button to go directly into that relevant Block which the supplier invoice relates to.

The Split button allows you to split the percentages allocation for each service line item:

Whenever a supplier invoice is added and the service has an allocation mechanism as percentage with the percentages defined, then the split is done automatically for you by the system.
More info on allocation on this article: 4.5.3 Split Supplier Invoices

If the invoice has been paid, then there is an option to send a Remittance to the supplier by clicking on the Remittance button. You can choose to generate a PDF or send an Email: 

The Remittance report can be ran for a date range in the Workbench -> Reporting -> Reporting and then choosing the Report 052 - Remittance Advice report. 

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