3.4.10 Bank Reconciliations

3.4.10 Bank Reconciliations

This screen located in the Workbench under the Finance Tab is a useful tool to manage reconciliations of your bank accounts in the system (providing it has reconciliation batches and it will for now only allow you to un-reconcile the last batch one at a time).
It is also very useful in making sure that your bank reconciliations also line up on our system with your actual bank accounts. This report is in compliance with ARMA regulations. 

For example:
  1. a bank account has been reconciled say from 1st March 19 to 31st March 19
  2. then once the accounts have been submitted to the accountant, you find out that there are some transactions missing
  3. these transactions will have to be added in for March but then your reconciliation will be off so you need to track that

There is a Print option on this page  which when clicked on, gives you 3 options:

  1. Reconciliation Details - the reconciled transactions in that batch and any unreconciled transactions that could have been part of the batch based on the date range
  2. Balance Breakdown by Block - if you have a bank account that is linked to multiple blocks (group bank account) and you wish to see the balances across all blocks that make up the group bank account figure (reconciled figure)
  3. Balance Breakdown by Block - CSV - this is the CSV format of the PDF report
The Details button allows you to see details of the transaction.

 Example report has been attached

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