3.5.10 Data Extract Service

3.5.10 Data Extract Service

This function does come with a charge which is detailed below in the pricing. Please be aware when switching on. 

As part of our standard Disaster Recovery service which is included in your Blocks Online (BOL) subscription agreement, back-ups are taken using an independent, third party backup service (www.simplebackups.com) and held-off site, under our control, utilising Amazon Web Services.

The BOL system and associated data for your account and the service we provide is backed-up on a regular basis:

  1. 3 full back-ups at 6 hour intervals (6:30am, 12:30pm, 18:30pm) for the database. Retention is for 30 days.
  2. Daily back up of all current documents. Retention is for 30 days.
    1. Incremental weekly back up of all other documents. Retention is for 30 days.
Therefore, if there was a need for us to restore our service, we will make reasonable commercial efforts to restore the system and content using the backups that have been taken.

However the Data Extract service is an additional service which enables BOL clients to obtain a weekly extract of key system data for their account which they can then store outside of the BOL system.

This could be of use especially if any errors have been made by users of the system relating to data that has been input, changed, deleted etc. so that you can refer back to the relevant point in time if you wish to review the data.

Service Details:

Once enabled on your account a weekly automated data extract process runs over the weekend and generates a CSV file for the each of the data extracts listed below, zips the files together and makes them available to the relevant nominated contact on your BOL account who can download them to their preferred storage location.

Depending on the number of Blocks and Units you have in your BOL account size the zip file size will be around 0.5MB to 2MB.

To enable the service, you go to the following menu option: Agent Preferences -> Data Extract tab

On the Data Extract tab there is a ‘Disable/Enable the Extract service’ field and if the slider button is greyed out the service is disabled.

To enable the service move the slider button to the right and the following pop-up message will appear:

‘You are about the turn on the Data Extract Service. You will be invoiced for this. For further details please click on this Knowledge Base link 3.1.10 Data Extract Service. Are you sure you want to turn the service on? If so, please click the OK button.’

If you click OK the following pop-up message will appear to confirm the service has been enabled.

Finally in the Settings section the ‘Notification Receiver’ field displays the system user in your BOL account who will receive a notification when the data extract files are ready to be downloaded from the system.

The system user can be changed by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button and selecting the appropriate contact from the dropdown list of system users and clicking on ‘Save’ to change to the contact required.

As mentioned earlier the Data Extract service runs weekly over the weekend and so when the system user who is the notification receiver next logs in they will be able to click on the Notification icon at the top right of the Workbench screen and see the notification message and a link to download the data extract files (see screenshot below). Also it is generally good practice for the system user to have set their notification preferences to receive an email as well for notification messages.

Service Pricing:

The monthly fee charged is:

£5 per 500 units that are currently loaded on your BOL system account.

For example if you have 826 units currently loaded the monthly fee would be £10.

All fee’s exclude VAT which is chargeable at the standard rate.

The fee will be added to the regular month invoice issued by BOL.

Data Extracts list:

1. Agent

1.1. Block Details – Block reference, name, address, agent service details, PM and sponsor, management and freehold company details, SC and GR collection dates.

1.2. Suppliers – Supplier name, address and contact details for all suppliers that have an invoice on the system from the last year.

1.3. Tickets - Summary information about all Tickets for all blocks and suppliers (only if you have the Ticketing module).

1.4. Credit Control Cases – Summary information about all Credit Control Cases (only if you have the Credit Control module).

NB: there will be a separate folder in the file download produced for each Block with the following extracts:

2. Block and Units

2.1. Unit Details and People Involved – Unit name and address, owner details, correspondence address, people involved details (name, telephone, email), directors and management team.

3. Leaseholder

3.1. Leaseholder Statement – Details of all demands issued and all receipts received per unit.

3.2. Block Schedule Summary – A list of all service charge schedules per block.

3.3. Block Schedule Details – A list of the service charge schedule percentages per unit per block.

3.4. Debtor balances – A list of service charge and ground rent balances by unit.

4. Expenditure

4.1. Service Charge Expenditure – All supplier invoice expenditure for all blocks.

4.2. Service Charge Expenditure by Schedule – All supplier invoice expenditure for all blocks by schedule.

4.3. Budget by Year – A list of budgets by Year per block.

5. Bank

5.1. Bank Accounts and closing balances – The bank account details and current closing bank account balances for each block’s bank account.

5.2. Bank Statements - Income and Expenditure for each bank account.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1. Block Asset Details.

6.2. Block Lease Details.

6.3. Health and Safety – A list of all assessments with last assessment date, next assessment due date and next scheduled date per block.

6.4. Insurance – A list of all insurance policies with cover dates and status per block.

Examples of all of the data extract CSV files are in the Attachments below:

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