3.5.4 Organisation

3.5.4 Organisation

Accessed via Workbench -> Settings
This tab has 4 sections:
  1. Users
  2. Supplier Invoice Approval
  3. Security
  4. Email Templates
1. Users
This section allows you to add new users as well as edit existing users.

When adding users on the system, you can decide under which user group they belong to as well (Superuser or Standard) which determines their access to the settings screen. 
The Superusers will be able to access the settings screen and the Standard users will not be able to. 
To add a new user, click on the [Add User] button:

Once you have filled in the relevant details and click [Save], an email is sent to that email address with a link that allows the user to set a password and access the system.
You can make users inactive on this screen as well as reset their password if you click on the [View] button:

You can also see if they have setup their 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) which adds more security to their login (More info below in the Security section) as well as Reset the 2FA. 

2. Supplier Invoice Approval
This tab allows you to control whether the Invoice Approval Process is turned on or not. 

 Once you turn this on, all supplier invoices that are created in the system, will have to be approved prior to it being paid on Blocks Online. 
The approval limits determine who can approve and how much can be approved for supplier invoices. 
More information on this KB article: 4.5.7 Supplier Invoice Approval Process
NOTE: If you turn this on after creating supplier invoices then those invoices will be approved in the background but won't appear in the Bulk Supplier Payment Run as they were added on prior to this function being turned on.
3. Security
This section allows you to turn on and off the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). As an ongoing upgrade to the security of our system, we have now enabled 2FA so that users who login to the system will have to authorise the login before they can use the system. The function is an agent wide setting so you will have to decide whether this applies to your whole organisation. 

You have to first turn this option on and then once turned on, follow these are the steps: 


1. Login into the Workbench (https://www.myblockonline.co.uk/rel3/admin/WorkbenchLoginController)

Once you have logged in, you will be prompted to enter a code:

We recommend to download 'Authy' (more info on this app: Authy) as it allows you to transfer the app info to other devices if you change phone for example but it is your choice. 

In the Authy app, if you click on the 3 dots on the top right hand side, it will allow you to add an account. 

Once you click on this, there is an option called Scan QR code (Allow the app to use your camera on your device).

After scanning the QR code, it will display our system on there which you can save. 

Once saved, you will see an authentication code which you can enter onto the screen and then 'Validate' the login. 

4. Email Templates
This section allows you to edit the basic emails that are in the system. These range from demands, credit control letters to receipt emails and portal invite emails. 
For some you can edit the basic email and for others you can create multiple templates. 
The ability to have multiple for all the template types is a future enhancement - one that will be looked at in our future development path
The list of emails contain some system standard emails. These are the default emails that we as Blocks Online have created as a standard. They are identified by a grey label:

Add Template
Allows you to add a new template under the relevant template types. At the moment you only have 5 template types where you can create multiple templates:

This allows you to edit all the templates that are show in the list. 

If you edit a System Default template, a new template is added for you and the system default changes. 
For multiple email templates, you can have one as the default.
For example, the communication has 2 templates and one is the default which is automatically picked whenever you are sending an email via the Communication screen:

This is the list of email templates that you can currently edit (Single  - can only edit one version of this template, multiple - allows you to add multiple versions of the template and then can choose from this in a drop-down when sending email):
  1. CC Case - Zero Account Balance (Single) - When a receipt is matched to an invoice for a unit and the unit has a credit control case where the unpaid amount goes to zero, an email is sent to the user in the company who is part of the Legal department. It advises them to close the credit control case. 
  2. Communication (Multiple) - You can send generic emails to users in a block from the Workbench. The communication email is generic but you can create multiple templates for this type. 
  3. Credit Control Letter (Single) - The basic email that goes out when you send credit control letters from the distribution manager. 
  4. Demands (Single) - The basic email that goes out when you send demands/fee collections from the distribution manager. 
  5. Leaseholder Statement (Multiple) - The basic email that goes out when you send statements for units from the Leaseholder statement screen.
  6. Portal Invite (Multiple) - The basic email that goes out when you wish to send login details to leaseholders. 
  7. Portal Notification - Add Block Post (Single) - The basic email that goes out  to leaseholders who have chosen to be notified whenever a new block post is added. 
  8. Portal Notification - Block Post Comment (Single) - The basic email that goes out  to leaseholders who have chosen to be notified whenever a comment is added to a block post. 
  9. Portal Notification - Post Problem (Single) - The basic email that goes out  to leaseholders who have chosen to be notified when a problem is reported. This is for those who have got the transparency turned on for some block.  
  10. Portal Notification - Report a Problem (Single) - The basic email that goes out  to leaseholders who have chosen to be notified whenever a problem is reported. 
  11. Portal Notification - Report Unsuitable Block Post (Single) - The basic email that goes out  to the managing agent staff when a leaseholder reports a block post as unsuitable. 
  12. Quotation Requests (Multiple) - The basic email that goes out  to suppliers through tickets when you raise quotation requests.
  13. Receipt Created (Single) - The basic email that goes out  to leaseholders who have chosen to be notified (or the leaseholder preference is set by the managing agent) whenever a receipt is recorded in the system. This can either be a manual receipt or imported receipts.
  14. Work Order (Multiple) - The basic email that goes out  to suppliers through tickets when you raise work orders.

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