When you first log into the block, you are taken to its dashboard which contains quick facts about the block.
Bank Accounts and Available Funds
This is a breakdown of all the bank account balances across your block regardless if they are virtual accounts (same bank account details as the others) or if they are are different physical bank accounts.
Unpaid Service Charge and Supplier Invoices
Unpaid service charges - These are all the outstanding invoices in the system.
NOTE: that even if you record a receipt, this amount will only change if you match that receipt to an invoice. To find out more info on the matching: 4.4.2 Match Receipts against DemandsUnpaid supplier invoices
These are all the unpaid supplier invoices in the system.
Financial Year
This shows you what your current financial year is based on the budget screen. The current financial year would be the year in which the current date is in. For example if today is 31st July 2023 then this would fall into a budget/financial year of 2023. The name of the financial year from the budget screen is displayed together with the Service Charge Year End Date of the block.
If there are no financial years in which the current date can be in then there is not current financial year for the block and a warning is displayed:
Login as Leaseholder
If you have the Portal module then this screen allows you to enter into the Portal as a leaseholder (providing they have an email address and web access on) and see what they are seeing (Profile and Setting not accessible).