4.11.11 How do you collect money into the service charge fund from people who don't own a unit or the money is not associated to a budget?

4.11.11 How do you collect money into the service charge fund from people who don't own a unit or the money is not associated to a budget?

Whenever agents are collecting money into the service charge fund from people who don't own a unit and where the amount they pay is not associated to the budget, they can raise an ad-hoc demand using the 'Landlord / Third-party invoice' option. (Note: If the garage renter is making a regular contribution into the service charge fund which is based on the budget, then they should set-up the garage as another unit in the block.)

Examples of when to use ad-hoc collections are:
  1. As in this case, collecting ad-hoc money for the rental of a garage which is rented by someone who is not a leaseholder. This rental as different from a flat rental (which is paid to the flat's landlord) as it is paid into service charge funds and is often a more informal rental arrangement, not covered by the legislation associated with private dwellings.
  2. Or rental of any other space (e.g. a cupboard or storage room) inside the building
  3. Or a one-off payment for the purchase of a piece of land outside the building or space inside the building
  4. Or a one-off payment to the service charge fund due to inconvenience caused (e.g. by building works) or due to damage by a third-party
  5. Or a payment by the landlord for any of the above, or any other service charge contribution
The ad-hoc collection facility allows the agent to enter the name and address of the person who is making the payment. A demand is generated which can then be sent to the individual and payment recorded into the service charge (or reserve) fund. This ad-hoc collection will appear on the 'Income and Expenditure' report.

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