4.2.9 Additional Settings

4.2.9 Additional Settings

There are some additional settings that can be set for the block. You may wish to familiarise yourself with each module before you making the changes. 
Each of these settings are only available if you are subscribed to the additional modules. Please contact support@blocksonline.co.uk if you wish to find out more details about the module and its costs. 

Portal Settings
Accessed via the menu option: Finance ->Set-up -> Portal

This screen allows you to alter the Portal Settings at a block level.
You have the global setting for the portal at the branch level within the Workbench. There is more information on this article: 5.2.1 Portal Setting - Workbench
Once you have done the global setting, then within this screen you are able to further toggle the Directory on and off for the block.
The option to toggle on and off is only if the global setting is either Default On or Default Off. 

Credit Control Settings
Accessed via the menu option: Finance ->Set-up -> Credit Control

This screen enables you to edit the following settings which you can set or change by clicking on the Edit button and then Save when completed:

  1. Payment options available to leaseholders – This is used to record whether the leaseholders should pay on demand or whether the leaseholders have the option to also pay their service charge through a monthly payment schedule.
  2. On-hold - This option is used to exclude or include a complete block from the Bulk Credit Control batch processing.
  3. Batch processing on hold text – relevant wording can be input in this section to explain why a Block has been put On-hold i.e. ‘New client - Do not chase late non-payers until confirmed with the Directors’
  1. Late Payment Treatment - This is the text that describes whether and how late payment charges can be applied.
The view a summary of the  information from this settings screen, go to the Workbench -> Credit Control -> Blocks Settings. More info on this KB article: 7.1.7 Credit Control Settings

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