4.3.5 Invoice Lookup

4.3.5 Invoice Lookup

The Invoice Lookup screen in the Block area enables you to view Demands and other Accounts Receivable invoices for the relevant Block you are looking at. 
To access the screen go to: Finance -> Invoice Lookup

The screen has various filters that you can search by including Block name, Unit name, Payment Status, Type of Charge, Date From /  Date To Date Range (the default date range shows one month up to today’s date).
The Date Filer By allows you to select whether to filter the demands by invoice date or accounting date. 
Both the Invoice Date (Inv. Date) and Accounting Date (Acc. Date) are also displayed on the list. 
NOTE: The demanded amount and the balance outstanding amount is broken down individual per demand line. This allows you to keep track of each demand type such as reserve fund separately. 
You can also use the Search field to search for a relevant keyword item and the column headings can be clicked on to change the sort order and you can download an Excel or PDF list of the invoices.

On the far right hand column you are able to click on the Details button to open up that specific demand details screen (see screenshot below)
NOTE: where you see a document icon you can click on it to view a copy of the demand.

The Details screen displays the detailed information that is shown for that particular demand selected, with the additional benefit of being able to see a copy of it in panel on the left hand side of the screen.
You will also see any Matching Data if available for that particular invoice and can 'Unmatch' if required. 

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