4.8.4 Workbench - H&S Summary

4.8.4 Workbench - H&S Summary

In the Workbench, the H&S Summary screen provides an overview of the status of H&S assessments indicating which H&S assessments need to be scheduled, which ones are late or due soon. This reporting screen also shows which assessments are scheduled and which assessment reports need to be chased.
Access via the Workbench menu option: Reporting -> H&S Summary
This then presents you with the H&S Dashboard. The screen allows you to filter the assessments based on the PM, Block and H&S Type. 
To make sense of this screen you would need to first refer to the Health & Safety parameter settings under the Agent Preferences tab in the Settings (cog icon on the top right hand side of Workbench) screen.  Here you can alter the parameters which drive the red,amber  and green indicators in the H&S Dashboard screen.

To Schedule - e.g. 60 means that Number of days in advance of the 'Next Assessment Date' to schedule assessments.
Due Soon - e.g. 30 means that Number of days in advance of the 'Next Assessment Date' for 'Due Soon' warning.

Late - e.g. 14 means that Number of days after the 'Scheduled Date' when an incomplete Assessment becomes 'Late'
Escalate - e.g. 30 means that Number of days after the 'Scheduled Date' when an incomplete Assessment becomes 'Escalate'

The H&S Dashboard is broken down into 2 sections:

Requirements - Shows the total number of requirements ( To Schedule and To Complete)
To Schedule -  Assessments due in the future period of days stated from Current Date (e.g. 'Assessments due in the next 30 - 60 days')
Due Soon -  Assessments due in the next number of days stated from Current Date (e.g. 'Assessments due in the next 30 days')
Overdue - Overdue - Number of Assessments past the Next Assessment Date from Current Date.

Scheduled - Number of Assessments scheduled but are not due
Awaiting Report - Within number of days of scheduled date (e.g. Within 14 days of scheduled date)
Late - Number of days in period stated after scheduled date' (e.g. 14 - 30 days after scheduled date)
Escalate - More than the numbers of days specified after scheduled date (e.g. More than 30 days after scheduled date).

If each of the indicators are clicked on then it will filter out the relevant assessments that match the parameters. 
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