5.3.1 Login as Leaseholder

5.3.1 Login as Leaseholder

This screen allows you to select a particular unit holder and login as them into the Portal. You will then be able to see what they get to see.
You CAN NOT however make changes to their preferences from here as the Profile and Settings options will not work for the agent.  

Once logged in, you are basically seeing the Portal as how the unit holder would see it. As the agent, you can still navigate through the various menus.
This will come in handy when you need to check a unit holder's request on something if it doesn't work or you can make sure that everything is set up correctly before giving the unit holders access to the Portal.
There are some menus that are not available to you such as 'Switch Property' where a unit holder can access all the units they are part of within the Portal. Due to security and GDPR reasons, we can not allow managing agents to do this as a unit holder can be in properties across multiple managing agents as well.
More info on the contents of the Portal can be found on this article: 5.4 Portal Contents 

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