5.3.4 Leaseholder Preferences

5.3.4 Leaseholder Preferences

Accessed via the Workbench -> Portal -> Leaseholder Preferences
This screen brings across all the preferences the unit holders have set in the Portal. Choose the block and then you will be shown all the unit holders loaded in the people involved section of the unit details within the Block Area. You can select few or all and then bulk update their preferences as well if required. 

You can then select whether that unit should receive their demands via Paper (posted - default preference), Email or Both and also whether to receive an email when a receipt is recorded for them.
Simply use the toggle on the Send payment receipt to email and then click on the [Save] button next to each unit holder for the payment receipt preference to be updated.
The Save button on the right is to update one individual record. 

To change the preference for the demand, select the units that you wish to update using the tick box on the left (default selects all or you can click on the top box to select/de-select all), then on the top right Bulk Update Preferences change the desired preference and click [Save] to bulk update the demand preferences. 
If a unit doesn't have an email address but has a people involved record with the name, then the unit will be displayed with just the name and the default becomes Paper for the demands. 
If a unit does not have any people involved records, then just the unit name is displayed. 
Changes to this will override the unit holder's selected preferences from the Portal
NOTE: This only shows records to update preferences for the People Involved type 'Owner' and 'Agent'. 

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