6.3.5 Quotes and Work Orders summary screen

6.3.5 Quotes and Work Orders summary screen

The Quotes and Work Orders screen in the Workbench enables you to view a summary and check and update statuses for all Quotations and Work Orders that you have across all the Blocks which you manage.
To access the screen go to: Tickets -> Quotes and Work Orders.

The screen has various preferences that you can search by including Block name, Ticket Status, Tickets Assigned To, Quotation/Work Order, Supplier, and Status (of Quotation/Work Order)
You can also use the Search field to search for a relevant keyword item and the column headings can be clicked on to change the sort order.
In addition, you can download an Excel or PDF list of all the Quotes and Work Orders from this screen.
The column headings show the following:
  1. Block – this shows the Quotations or Work Orders relating to the named Block
  2. Ticket ID - this is the unique reference number generated by the system for that Ticket.
  3. Ticket Status - this is the current ticket status that has been set in the relevant Ticket screen.
  4. Next Action Date - this is the date that has been set for the next action to be reviewed.
  5. Ticket – the View button displayed can be clicked on and a pop-up window will appear of that Ticket.
  6. Type – this shows whether it is a Quotation or Work Order.
  7. ID - this is the unique reference number generated by the system for that particular Quotation or Work Order.
  8. Work Summary – this shows the description which was entered for that particular Quotation or Work Order.
  9. Supplier Name – this is the relevant supplier name that the Quotation or Work Order was sent to.
  10. Email Sent – this is the date that the Quotation or Work Order was emailed to the supplier.
  11. Status – this shows the current status that has been set for the Quotation or Work Order.
  12. Q / WO – the View button displayed can be clicked on and a pop-up window will appear of that particular Quotation or Work Order screen
In addition the ‘document icon’ displayed to left of the View button can be clicked to open a copy of the relevant Quotation or Work Order document sent to the supplier.

Bulk Update

On the far left hand side of the columns is a checkbox where you can check all Quotations and Work Orders displayed or just ones you choose to select and then that will enable you to click on the Bulk Update button at the top right of the screen to change the status of those Quotations or Work Orders selected.

When you click the Bulk Update button a pop-up will appear which will enable you to select the status you wish to update from the dropdown menu for the Quotations or Work Orders.

In addition, the Bulk Update function will allow you to delete Draft Quotations or Work Orders that have been created.

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