6.5.1 Reporting - Tickets

6.5.1 Reporting - Tickets

A number of reports are available in the Workbench to support the management of tickets:
1)    Access the following via the menu option: Reporting -> Reporting -> Ticket Management then select from the following reports from the dropdown list
  • Report 031 - Active Tickets by Person - This report lists active tickets (i.e. tickets that are not aborted / closed) for each person they are assigned to.
  • Report 031a  - Active Tickets by Block - This report is similar to report 031 except that it shows how long tickets have been raised for and also shows the date and time of the last two comments that have been made and by whom.
  • Report 069 - Ticket Comments - When viewing a ticket, there is an option at the bottom left to 'Print Ticket'. This generates the Ticket Comments report which shows the history of the ticket and can be useful in annual leaseholder meetings to show what has been done on a ticket. 
  • Report 011a - Block Tickets - This is contained in the Block Area under the block -> block reports. It shows all the tickets associated with the block from where it is generated from. 
The reports below are attached with some dummy data. 

      2) Access the following via menu option: Reporting -> Ticket Summary

The purpose of the Ticket Summary is to have a global position of all ACTIVE tickets and the length of time that they are outstanding across the Agent account; the data     enables the Agent to reduce the time a job takes by being able to performance manage the data.

      The column headings show the following:

      Breakdown: displays the ticket parameter selected from the ‘Breakdown’ dropdown list – the ticket parameters are:

  1. None – this is the default parameter and displays the total number of Active tickets.
  1. Block – this displays the ticket breakdown by the relevant Block.
  1. User – this displays the tickets that are assigned to the relevant User.
  1. Type – this displays the ticket breakdown by Ticket Type.
  1. Priority – this displays the ticket breakdown by Priority that has been set.
  2. Total – this displays the total number of active tickets
  3. Open – this displays the total number of tickets with an Open status.

      In Progress - this displays the total number of tickets with an In Progress status.

      With Client For Decision - this displays the total number of tickets with a With Client For Decision status.

      On Hold - this displays the total number of tickets with an On Hold status.

      Complete-Awaiting Assurance - this displays the total number of tickets with a Complete - Awaiting Assurance status.

      1-30 days – this displays the number of tickets created which are 1-30 days old.

      31-60 days - this displays the number of tickets created which are 31-60 days old.

      61-90 days - this displays the number of tickets created which are 61-90 days old.

      > 90 days - this displays the number of tickets created which are over 90 days old.

      NB: You can change the aged day parameters above to different periods by putting in a different number in the ‘Days’ field at the top of the page and clicking on ‘View’ i.e. if you select 60 days then the following aged day columns will be displayed:

      In addition you can also download an Excel or PDF of your relevant screen selection displayed by clicking on the relevant button at the top of the columns displayed.

      Also you can click on the top of any column to re-sort the display order by that particular column  parameter.

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