6.5.2 Site Inspection Report

6.5.2 Site Inspection Report

Users are able to produce a Site Inspection Report based on Tickets that have been created from doing a Site Inspection for a Block and recorded in the Ticket Module.

To create a report go to the main Tickets screen accessed from the Workbench and select the ‘Block’ you wish to create the Site Inspection Report for and select either the specific ‘Assigned To’ person or All from the dropdown list to show the Tickets that you wish to select from that have been recorded for that Block.

Once that has been done, use the checkbox on the left of the screen to select the tickets you wish to include for the Site Inspection Report and once selected the ‘Site Inspection Report’ button at the top right of the screen will become available to click on:

In the above example three tickets have been selected. When the ‘Site Inspection Report’ button is clicked on, then the following pop-up screen will appear:

This screen has the following items which can be amended/updated by you before producing the report, by default they are selected, as the checkboxes are ticked but you can untick the items you do not want to appear on the report.

Site Inspection Date – this defaults to today’s date but you can click on the field and change the date to date you require and this appears on the first page of the report.

Site Inspection performed by – this defaults to the User who is logged in and producing the report but you can click on the field to amend this to the relevant person(s) that did perform the site inspection and this appears on the first page of the report.

Summary – this is a freeform field that you can add text to which will display on the first page of the report.

Comments – there are two options available from the dropdown menu:

·       Published comments only – this is the default and will display any Published comments that appear for each of the relevant Tickets selected for the report.

·       All comments – if this is selected it will display All comments that appear for each of the relevant Tickets selected for the report. NB: You may want to exercise some caution here as it will display all the system generated or internal comments made by your users in your business which you may not want to show on the report.

You can also include the following on the report which are all driven from the existing fields on the the Tickets that have been selected for the report. By default, the checkboxes are ticked but you can untick them if you do not want to include on the report:



Ticket Type

Assigned to


Once you have amended/updated the relevant items on the pop-up screen and wish to create your Site Inspection Report then click on the ‘Produce Report’ button at the bottom right of the screen.

The system will then generate a Word document which you can download and this can be further edited so you can make any changes to the Site Inspection Report, adding or deleting information before then saving it and you could save it as a Word document or maybe better would be a PDF document to the relevant Block by going to The Block > Document Management > Management & Inspection Documents folder, then you could share this with Leaseholders via the Portal or email out a copy.

In addition, if you have created a separate Ticket specifically for a Site Inspection you could save the report to that Ticket as well.

An example of a Site Inspection Report that has been created is shown with screenshots below (not the clearest screenshots) but is also available to download (best quality) in the attachments at the bottom of this article.

You will note that the Agent logo, Agent name, Block name, Block Address, Property Manager name and Block reference all appear at the top of the first page and these fields will be automatically populated with your agent details from the Blocks Online system.

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