7.4.2 Step 1 – Select Credit Control Cases for Letter 2 Production

7.4.2 Step 1 – Select Credit Control Cases for Letter 2 Production

Using the selection criteria, a range of blocks / units is selected for which second reminder letters are to be created:
  1. Block / Property Manager / Sponsor – Used to select blocks.
  2. Min Amount Overdue – Only units that have at least this amount overdue will be selected. This provides the option to ignore any units that have, for example, a balance of less than £100 outstanding.
  3. Case Type – 'Service Charge' (greyed out as this can only be used for Service Charge cases).
  4. Case Status - 'CC - Unresolved Case' (greyed out as this is only used for cases with an Unresolved Case status).
  5. Days after 1st Reminder Deadline Date – This specifies the minimum number of days after the 1st Reminder Deadline Date that have to have elapsed before the Case is to be included. When set to zero, cases with a Letter 1 Deadline date of today or earlier will be included.
  6. Assigned to - the person defaults to the user who is logged into the system but can be changed from the dropdown menu.
Then clicking on the 'List Cases' button will then display a list of all units that meet the criteria specified.

To continue the bulk processing see 7.4.3 Step 2 – Create Credit Control Reminder Letter 2 for details.

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