4.7.1 Block Insurance

4.7.1 Block Insurance

Blocks Online provides the facility to allow the tracking and monitoring of insurance policies.
Accessed via the menu option: The Block -> Block Insurance.

This screen is used to record details of insurance policies (e.g. buildings insurance, D&O) and store copies of insurance documents.
Buildings insurance:
  1. If you are arranging insurance for the building then the ‘Arranged By: Management Company’ field should be marked.
    1. [Add New Insurance] is used to record a new insurance policy
    2. The ‘Status’ and dates fields are used to track the status of the insurance policy and support insurance renewal processing
  2. If you are not arranging the insurance then:
    1. Either the ‘Arranged By: Freehold Company’ field should be marked. You can use the system to store a copy of the insurance policy once you obtain it from the freeholder and keep track of missing policy documents.
    2. Or the 'Arranged By: Not Applicable' should be marked. Note: By selecting this option there will be no monitoring of insurance policies for this block

The home page shows a list of the various policies for the particular block.

Click on the ‘View’ button on the right hand side of the screen to see the details of the relevant policy and a pop-up screen will appear with those details:

You can click on the ‘Edit’ button to change/update the relevant fields, in particular there are a number of different ‘Status’ options you can select for the policy from the dropdown menu:

All other types of insurance can be tracked in a similar fashion by using the [Add New Insurance] option.
Each block allows one Insurance Type as  'Building Insurance'. Should a bock require multiple building insurance policies the 'Additional Building  1/2/3' options can be used. 
A pop-up screen will appear when you click on [Add New Insurance] for you to complete the relevant sections and then click on 'Save' and it the policy will appear in the list of Insurance Policies for the Block.

The Workbench > Reporting menu provides reports that show all blocks that either have insurance policies that require renewal or need insurance information completing. A summary of insurance policy information, particularly building revaluation dates, can also be obtained.

Insurance Renewals - This is a report which categories the block's insurance policies and brings forward those that are required to be renewed.
It brings forward all insurance renewals and you can see when they are due based on the next action date. 

The report can be viewed on the screen and downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet 
The report will also outline any blocks where there are no buildings insurance based on its start date. 
We have added this check in as a best practice criteria for users to ensure Buildings Insurance is added to a block.
NOTE: It downloads the records per page so if you select 100 records per page, then you will download the 100 records into an excel spreadsheet

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