7.1.3 Case Status

7.1.3 Case Status

All Credit Control Cases are allocated a Case Status. This Status is used to assist with managing cases and for reporting purposes. The case status is also used in Batch processing, see below. The statuses are used to manage two distinct activities during the lifecycle of a Case – Credit Control and Legal.
  • Credit Control - Several Statuses are available to keep track of unpaid demands, prior to any legal action being taken. The following Statuses are available:
    • CC - Unresolved – Any new case where a credit control issue is yet to be resolved
    • CC - Under Payment Plan – When a leaseholder has agreed a payment plan for the payment of their outstanding debt. This may be a monthly or quarterly payment plan or a single, future payment to clear the debt (*see below for more details about using this status)
    • CC - With Client for Next Steps – When an Agent’s client has been consulted regarding the next steps (e.g. if, after reminder letters have been sent, an Agent may consult with their client before proceeding with legal action)
    • CC - Dispute being assessed – When a leaseholder raises a dispute regarding their charge
    • CC - On-hold at Request of Client – When a client has requested that no further action should be taken at the current time
    • CC – Under Review – A general status set by the Agent when a case is under review. 
The above Statuses which have the ‘CC’ prefix denote that they are being dealt with internally in your business.

The following Legal Statuses are normally selected when you are using outside resources to help resolve the case:
  1. New Legal - When discussions with a leaseholder have reached an impasse and payment has not been forthcoming then an Agent may decide to take legal action against a leaseholder.
  2. With Third-party Solicitors
  3. With Brethertons
  4. Legal On-hold
  5. CCJ Required
  6. County Court Claim
  7. Defence Issued
  8. Send Court Summons Notice
  9. Judgement Issued
  10. Send CCJ to Lender
  11. Mortgage Company Letter Issued
  12. Debt Recovery Notice
  13. With FTT
NOTE: setting the cases to the Legal Statuses above, allows you to be prompted with a warning when you record or import receipts into the system for the units that have a CC case status from any of the legal ones above. 

Once all action has been taken and / or the outstanding debt has been paid then the Case is set to a status of ‘Closed’.

* CC - Under Payment Plan – if this case status has been selected then a payment amount should be recorded in the ‘Payment Plan’ field on the screen which is the amount to be paid by the unit owner, this is saved as a monthly or quarterly payment but could be a single, future payment to clear the debt.

If a receipt or receipts are recorded during the same calendar month which total or exceed the monthly or quarterly (if quarterly payment has been selected) amount in the ‘Payment Plan’ field when a Case has the status of ‘Under Payment Plan’ then the ‘Next Action Date’ is automatically updated to 6 weeks* after the date of the most recent receipt. If the amount received is below the amount in the ‘Payment Plan’ field then the existing ‘Next Action Date’ will not been changed. *see 7.1.4 Automatic Updating of Credit Control Cases for information why this is done: https://support.blocksonline.co.uk/portal/en/kb/articles/automatic-updating-of-credit-control-cases

In addition, if an ‘Under Payment Plan’ case status has been selected and no amount has been set in the ‘Payment Plan’ field then the ‘Next Action Date’ will not automatically update and a ‘warning symbol’ icon will be displayed which if hovered over will display a message stating that ‘this case is under payment plan but a monthly or quarterly amount has not been entered.’

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