8.3 Desktop Mailing

8.3 Desktop Mailing

You can access the screen but you can only use this feature if you are subscribed to the Desktop Mailing module. Please contact Support for more information.
Accessed via the Workbench -> Agent Management -> Distribution Manager -> Desktop Mailing

Whenever documents are to be sent using the Desktop Mailing Service, they will be added to the 'Desktop Mailing' tab. 
 When the documents are first added, they are given a status of 'Waiting'.

Every 15 minutes at 00, 15, 30 and 45 minutes past the hour the system runs a series of automatic processes to take the mailing information, including address details and the documents and pass them to our 3rd party mailing house partner to then be printed, put in envelopes, franked and posted.
With the system running the automatic processing at 00, 15, 30 and 45 minutes past the hour, this gives up to a 14 minute time window when a red ‘Cancel’ button appears on the right hand side of the relevant document listing giving you an opportunity to Cancel the printing of the document.

e.g. if you sent documents to Desktop Mailing at 14.00pm or at 14.07pm then you can cancel up until 14.14pm, thereafter the automatic processing would happen at 14.15pm and the cancel button will disappear as the process has moved onto the next stage of the mailing process.

As the automatic process runs every 15 minutes the Status details will display the relevant stage that the mailing has got to with our 3rd Party mailing house partner e.g. ‘Awaiting Processing’, ‘Awaiting Production’, ‘Mailing in Production’.

If you submit a document into Desktop Mailing by 4pm on a working day then it should be posted out by the next working day.
Once processing has been completed, documents will be removed from 'Desktop Mailing' tab and added to the 'History' Tab and show the Status of ‘Complete’

WARNING: DocMail only allows 70 pages per record as this is the limit that will fit into the standard C5 envelopes. Anything more will fail when being sent over. 

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