6.2.3 Email Updates

6.2.3 Email Updates

The system is configured to send emails to individuals when updates are made to tickets that could affect them.

Email Conditions
Emails are sent to the Property Manager (PM) of the block and also the person to whom the ticket is assigned (assuming it is someone different) in the following circumstances:
  • The PM will receive an email when:
    • Someone other than the PM creates a new ticket for a block
    • Someone other than the PM updates a ticket
  • The user will also receive an email when:
    • A ticket is assigned to them
    • When someone else updates the ticket that is assigned to them
    • If they have added a comment on the ticket, even if they are not assigned to the ticket or the Property Manager for the block
These updates are added as notifications within the Workbench. They can be viewed by clicking on the notification bell:

Depending on the email notification frequency setting (bottom of this tab), you will receive an email accordingly. 

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