7.2.3 Issuing Reminder Letters

7.2.3 Issuing Reminder Letters

The Credit Control module has the ability to produce standard reminder letters for unpaid service charges and ground rents. The system is capable of producing two reminder letters for service charge cases and one reminder letter for ground rent cases.

If you wish to issue a Reminder Letter then the following fields should be reviewed before selecting the [Produce letter] option:
  • Amount Chased - This is amount that is included in the letter as the amount to be chased. This will default to the Amount Overdue
  • Date Issued – This is the date printed on the reminder letter. It defaults to today’s date
  • Deadline date – This date is not printed on the reminder letter, but will be used to prompt users when further action should be taken. For a letter 1 reminder it defaults to 14 days after today’s date; for a letter 2 reminder it defaults to 7 days after today’s date.

All three fields can be modified if required.

Once created the letter can be viewed and printed. If necessary the letter can be deleted if you decide not to send it.

If you have already produced a letter that belongs to a case and you try to produce it again, you will be prompted with a warning:
pop up message displayed in test
This is in case more than 1 user is trying to produce letters at the same time for the same case. 

Alternatively, if you are sending a customised letter to the leaseholder then you can upload a copy of the letter. In this scenario, you should update the Amount Chased, Date Issued and Deadline Date to reflect the information in the letter.

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