4.10.5 Management Company Details

4.10.5 Management Company Details

These screens allow companies house submission documents to be recorded
Access via the menu option: Management company -> Companies house
  • To record Officer details use the [Add Director or Secretary] option. Please note that the 'Select Person' drop-down list will only list people whose name has been recorded in the 'People Involved' section of a unit. You can add someone's name using the unit details screen (block -> block summary -> [view] the unit) and using the [Add New Person] option. Once the person has been added their name will appear in the drop-down list.
Officers & Shareholding
The Mgmt Company screen lets you record how many shares have been issued in the company.
The Officers & Shareholding screen lets you record how many of those shares are owned by each leaseholder, but it does not allow you to record shares owned by other parties.
We would recommend using the Notes section to record other share ownerships, for example, where shares are owned by the freehold company. 

Companies House Submissions
This is a repository of information where you are able to record details of documentation submitted to Companies House for the Management Company and/or Freehold Company for a Block. e.g – Annual Accounts, Annual Confirmation Statement, adding or deleting a Director etc.
Access via the Block Area menu option: the Mgmt company-> Companies house

On the Companies House Submissions screen as a first step to recording relevant documentation submitted you select (see screenshot below):

> which ‘Company’ you wish to record the details against from the dropdown menu,

> what ‘Type of Submission’ you are recording from the dropdown menu e.g. Add Director

> in the ‘Relates to’ field put the description i.e. the Director’s name

> select what date this action relates to ‘Start or End Date’

> select what date from the ‘Sub date’ that you submitted this document to Companies House

and then add the document to this record by clicking on ‘Upload Document’

> Once all fields are completed then click on ‘Submit’ and the details will be saved and shown on this page in the Historic Submissions section.

When you have completed the first step and the relevant submission has been recorded then the next step will be to record when the document has been published at Companies House.

You will see items in the ‘Historic Submissions’ section which are labelled ‘Outstanding’ and when you are ready to record that they have been published you will need to do the following (see screenshot below):

Click on the ‘Confirm’ link and that will then populate the previous fields from the first step completed for that record and then:

> select what date from the ‘Rec date’ that you confirming as the publication date of the document at Companies House.

> add the final document to this record by clicking on ‘Upload Document’.

> Once all fields are completed then click on ‘Submit’ and the details will be saved and shown on this page in the Historic Submissions section.

You can run report 014a: Companies House Submission Dates within the Workbench -> Reporting -> Reporting in order to track the submissions.
An example of the report is attached at the bottom of this article. 
In a company limited by shares, the shareholders' liability is limited to the amount the shareholder has agreed to pay for his or her shares - This is the typically structure of a Residents' Management Company. In a company limited by guarantee, the liability is limited to the amount of the guarantee set out in the company's Articles of Association, which is typically just £1. A 'Right to Manage' company must be limited by guarantee and not have a share capital.
On the management company screen there is a field called 'Limited By', it has two options 'Guarantee' or 'Shares'.
If the 'Limited By' field is set to 'Guarantee' then it has no share capital and therefore the field 'Shares Issued' is not applicable.
If the 'Limited By' field is set to 'Shares' then the number of shares issued must be recorded in the 'Shares Issued' field.

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