3.4.6 Match Receipts

3.4.6 Match Receipts

The Match Receipts function allows receipts that have been imported into Blocks Online to be matched against unpaid demands. 
To access this screen in the Workbench go to Finance -> Accounts Receivable -> Match Receipts.

The screen shows all receipts that have been imported into the system which have not yet been matched and the columns show the ‘Block’ name, ‘Unit’ name, ‘Receipt’ amount, ‘Amount Unmatched’, the ‘Bank Account’ and the ‘Amount Outstanding’ of demands raised against the relevant Unit.

You can filter by relevant ‘Block’ name from the dropdown menu and search for a particular date range by using the ‘From’ and ‘To’ and also you can search for a particular block using the ‘Search’ field.

The default for the screen has the Checkbox ticked on the far left column for all receipts where there is an Amount Outstanding which is equal or greater than the Receipt amount for the number of entries shown on the screen. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 entries to display on your screen from the ‘Show entries’ dropdown menu.

1. Auto Matching - for expediency you can click on the ‘Match’ button at the top right of the screen and this will automatically match those receipts that are ticked and these will then disappear from the screen as they will have been matched against the amount outstanding.
NB: The checkbox will be un-ticked where the Unit shown has one or more credits against it, this cannot be auto-matched, in this case you will need to match the receipt manually.

2. Manually matching – to manually process the receipts then click on the ‘Match’ button on the far right hand side column for the relevant transaction you wish to process and the following screen will appear:

By default the system will match the receipt to the oldest outstanding demands. You can choose to alter how much is matched to each demand by selecting the red cross or green arrow, or by entering a specific amount against each demand. If the full value of the receipt is matched against unpaid demands then the receipt will be removed from the list after you click on 'Save'.

If the amount received is greater than the amount matched to unpaid demands, then after saving the matching, the receipt amount balance is automatically saved as an ‘Unmatched Receipt’ amount against the relevant Unit in the Block Area.

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