8.1 Overview

8.1 Overview

Accessed via the Workbench -> Agent Management -> Distribution Manager -> Any of the sub menus:
  1.  Queue
  2. Desktop Mailing - significant if you are subscribed to the module
  3. History
  4. Email Audit
The sub menus will improve the speed at which you access the tab as sometimes you may wish to just go to see the Email Audit than see what is in the queue. 
Depending on which sub menu you choose, you will be directed to the relevant tab:

You can always switch between each tab once you are here so it saves you from having to click on the sub menus again. 
The Blocks Online Distribution Manager is the means to control the distribution of documents to leaseholders. Through the Distribution Manager you can:
  • View your pdf documents and print them on your local printer
  • Send documents to leaseholders via email (if you are using the Leaseholder Portal)
  • Use Blocks Online's Desktop Mailing service to print and post letters directly from your desktop. To add the Desktop Mailing module to your account, please contact support@blocksonline.co.uk 
The following documents are distributed using the Distribution Manager:
  • Service Charge demands, including surplus / deficit demands, credit notes and all other ad-hoc demands
  • Ground Rent demands, including any ad-hoc ground rent demands
  • All Credit Control reminder letters produced using the Credit Control module
There are four areas to the Distribution Manager:
  • Queue - This is where all new documents are placed after they are created but before they have been distributed
  • Desktop Mailing - This is where documents reside after they have been submitted for mailing, but before the mailing process has completed
  • History - This is where all documents reside once they have been distributed
  • Email Audit - this is where all the audit trails are kept for any email sent from the system (tracks status such as Opened, Clicked, Failed etc) 

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