5.4.3 Messages

5.4.3 Messages

The Messages option is accessed from the menu option: Portal -> Messages.

All users are presented with a list of all active Messages. Users are able to view the Agent Messages, Posts and any Tickets. All posts are accompanied by the name of the person that added the post – Anonymous posts cannot be submitted.

Leaseholder View
Through the Posts option, property owners are able to undertake the following actions:
  • Record a Post using the [Add New Post] option
  • Add a comment to any existing Post using the [Post New Comment] option
  • Delete any Post they have created, but not delete a Post created by another user
  • Delete any Comment they have added, but not delete a Comment created by another user.
If a property owner is unhappy about a Post or a Comment they can use the [Report this Post] option to report it to their Agent. This option produces an email which is sent to the Property Manager for the Block.
Property owners can elect (using the ‘my preferences’ screen) to receive email updates whenever posts or comments are added.

Agent View
The Agent is able to undertake the following:
  • Record a Post using the [Add New Post] option
  • Add a comment to any existing Post using the [Post New Comment] option
  • Delete any Post, regardless of whether they created it or whether it was created by somebody else
  • Delete any Comment, regardless of whether they created it or whether it was created by somebody else.
Whenever a property owner adds a new Post or posts a new Comment then an email is sent to the Property Manager for the Block. This allows the Property Manager to stay abreast of what is being posted for their blocks.

Management Team / Directors view
If you are a Management Team / Directors then you are also shown the tickets which have a visibility of Management as you would in the Workbench Tickets screen: 

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