5.4.8 Profile and Settings

5.4.8 Profile and Settings

Profile and Settings

This screen allows the leaseholder to view their address and correspondence details as well as phone and email address. They can also change their password from this screen. If there are issues with the unit or correspondence address, the leaseholder is unable to change them but they can communicate their requests for changes to the Managing Agent.

Each of the sections on this screen can be added to the directory at the leaseholders discretion. For example, a leaseholder may choose to add their name and email added to the directory but hide their corresponded and telephone number. 
More info on the Portal Directory: 5.4.5 Directory
The option to Display in Directory will not be accessible if you have turned the Directory off within the settings. More info on that can be found on this KB article: 5.2.1 Portal Setting - Workbench

From this screen, under the Demands and Receipts section, the leaseholder can:
  • Choose to receive Service Charge/Ground Rent demand via paper, email  or both.
  • Choose to receive Payment Receipts via email
Under the Email Notification Preferences section, the leaseholder can:
  • Choose to be notified whenever the agent broadcasts a message
  • Choose to be notified whenever any posts are added/updated
  • Choose to be notified whenever a problem they have reported is updated
  • Choose to to be notified when a new problem is added/updated
  • Choose to be notified whenever their posts are updated
Note: An Agent is able to over-ride a user's personal preferences by selecting the Preferences option and choosing the specific unit to be amended.

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