6.4.2 Publishing updates (i.e. comments) to Tickets

6.4.2 Publishing updates (i.e. comments) to Tickets

If a ticket is visible to the Block, a Unit or Management then you can decide to publish updates to tickets. Whenever a new comment is added to a ticket you have the option to Publish the Comment. If selected then the comment is published to the Block / Unit / Management leaseholders via the Portal.

Leaseholders can also add comments to tickets from the Leaseholder Portal.

Any leaseholder who has selected to ‘Notify me whenever any problem is added / updated’ or when the leaseholder who has reported the problem has selected to ‘Notify me whenever a problem I have reported is updated’ (the default option) they will receive an email whenever the comment is published.

If you no longer wish to publish a comment then de-select the ‘Publish to client’ option next to the specific comment and [save] the ticket; the comment will be removed from the Portal.

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