3.2.1 Register a new Block

3.2.1 Register a new Block

In Blocks Online, a block relates to a single development that is managed by the Agent. A block typically relates to a single Residents’ Management Company, a Freehold Company or a Right to Manage Company. As a consequence, one block in Blocks Online may have one or more physical buildings.
When logged in, the user is presented with the Workbench Home page. This consists of all the blocks that are managed. 

You can view all Inactive blocks as well by clicking on the checklist near the Register Block button. You can then download the Excel/PDF version of the block list that contains the status. 
NOTE: You cannot log into a block that is Inactive. Please re-activate the block in the Deactivate Block screen first before logging in. 

On the top right of the block list is the Register Block. Once clicked, you are presented with a pop up model containing a few key fields that are required in order to register a block. 

A brief description of the fields:
  1. Block Reference – This is the unique code or reference you use to identify the block (e.g. Block109 or HIG01) - restricted to 8 characters (It is used for reporting purposes)
  2. Block Name – The name by which the block is typically known
  3. Address – This is the address of the block (Address 1, Address 2, Town, Postcode) - use commas if address line 3 is required
  4. Management Company Name – This is the RMC, RTM company or Freehold Company that manages the block and with whom the Agent has a contract
  5. Property Manager – This is the person who is responsible for the management of the block.
  6. Sponsor – This is the person who has oversight of the block’s management (e.g. a Senior Property Manager)
  7. Contract Start Date – This is the date when the Agent started working for the Management Company. It is used for reporting purposes.
  8. Branch - This is the drop-down of all of the branches in your organisation (e.g London and Manchester)
  9. Number of units – Typically this will be the number of flats in the block (Unit names can then be edited within the Block afterwards)
    1. NOTE: The max limit for the number of units is 3000. If you enter anything above, the system will prompt a warning. Please speak to support if you have more than 3000 units in a block. 
  10. Package – This is used for grouping blocks into Portfolios. (e.g Alpha, Beta etc.)
When Save is clicked, the Block will be registered.
Once blocks have been registered, you can bulk update details such as unit details and people involved details.
See point 5 of this article for more info: 3.1.3 Agent Management

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