4.10.4 Reporting - Block

4.10.4 Reporting - Block

The reporting screen provide a range of reports relating to the block. These can range from financial reports to list reports which you can print of and analyse for a better view of the data in the block. 
Access via the menu option: The Block -> Block Reports

There are a range of reports available which can be selected from the dropdown menu.

Once you have selected the report you wish to obtain, you may need to select the relevant parameters i.e. date range you require before you then click on the ‘Run’ button which will then start the report running.

In many cases the report will be produced almost instantaneously but that does depend on a number of factors, in particular how much data is being produced for the report i.e. if you are running the ‘Service Charge Financial Pack’ that has 10 different reports which make up the pack and you are doing this for a large Block with say 100 units then it make take quite a few minutes for the report to be generated.

In this case, you will initially see the following pop-up message telling you the report is being generated:

If it is taking longer than circa 90 seconds then the following pop-up message will appear:

Please do not close the screen but you can carry on using other screens in the system and come back in a few minutes and the report should have completed.

Today’s Report History

When you run a single report or multiple reports, then refresh the page, you will notice the ‘Today’s Report History’ tab which you can open up by clicking on the ‘+’ sign and it will display all the reports you’ve run for that particular day.

You can click on ‘View’ to see any of those reports you have run.

The reports you can access are ONLY the ones you have run yourself and you can't access other user's history. The history is only kept for one day. 

Some key reports which are available below:

Report 071: Balance Sheet

This report allows you to view financial information about the block such as the assets and liabilities. It also allows you to compare the figures to the previous year to make a comparison. Example has been attached to the article at the bottom. 


Service charges owed by tenants - This is the total of outstanding demands minus any unmatched receipts. The breakdown can be seen on the 'Service Charge Debtors Summary' report

Service charges and other amounts owed by Landlord - This is the total amount of any outstanding landlord demands

Other Debtors - This is the total amount of any other outstanding third-party demands

Balances Held - This is the total amount of funds held in all bank accounts and can be seen on the 'Service Charge Bank Statement' report

Prepayments - This is the total of any Prepayment journals

Deficit for the period to be collected - This is the total deficit (where applicable) as shown on the 'Income & Expenditure' report.


Service charges paid in advance by tenants - This is the total of over-payments or other payments made in advance by leaseholders. The breakdown can be seen on the 'Service Charge Debtors Summary' report

Costs relating to this or previous period but not yet paid - This is the outstanding creditors balance - See the 'Creditors Control  Account' report

Accruals - This is the total of any Accrual journals

Surplus for the period to be credited / refunded - This is the total surplus (where applicable) as shown on the 'Income & Expenditure' report.


Reserves brought forward - This is a balancing entry based on the Total Net Assets minus Reserves Demanded plus Expenditure from Reserves. 

Reserves Demanded - This is the value of reserves demanded - See the Budget

Expenditure from Reserves - This is the value of supplier invoices paid from Reserves (where the fee type for supplier invoices is 'Reserve Fund')

Expenditure reports

The are multiple expenditure reports to show expenditure that has occurred for a block within a selected date range.

The expenditures for a block can be tracked in different formats. 

These are 5 similar reports where the difference is based on the fee type selected within the supplier invoices:

Expenditure: Other - Non Service Charge - This is for example ground rent expenditure that has nothing to do with the service charge and reserve fund
Expenditure: Reserve Fund: All expenditure where the fee type is Reserve Fund
Expenditure: Service Charge: All expenditure where the fee type is Service Charge
Expenditure: Service Charge and Reserve Fund: All expenditure where the fee type is both Service Charge and Reserve Fund
Expenditure: All Types - CSV - This is a CSV extract of all the expenditure items regardless of the fee type. Users can then split the expenditure within the extract as required as well as create pivot tables in Excel.

Report 051: Income & Expenditure report - This shows the demanded income (Service Charge/Reserve Fund, Landlord and Third Party demands as well as administration charges and bank interest) against the expenditure items which based on the supplier invoices recorded. 
NOTE: These are not cashed based reports and therefore are not actual payments in and out of the funds.

There are 3 reports which are similar but driven based on different criteria:
Report 042a: Service Charge Expenditure by Schedule - Summary: This report breaks the expenditures down by block schedules (if there are multiple schedules)

Report 042b: Service Charge Expenditure by Service and Schedule - Detail: This report breaks the expenditures down by block schedules first (if there are multiple schedules) and then also by service
Report 042d: Service Charge Expenditure by Schedule and Service - Detail: This report breaks the expenditures down by service first and then by block schedule (if there are multiple schedules)

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