7.6.1 Reporting - Credit Control

7.6.1 Reporting - Credit Control

A number of reports are available to support the Credit Control function:
Credit Control Blocks On hold – This report lists all blocks that have been placed on-hold and are therefore not included in any credit control batch processing
Credit Control Cases for Action – This report lists Cases that are either past their Deadline Date or are after their Next Action Date
Credit Control Management Statistics – This report provides summary performance of the credit control function
Credit Control and Arrears – This report provides an overview of the arrears and the credit control status for all blocks / units for a specific property manager
Credit Control Case Summary – This report provides an overview of the Open credit control cases for a specific block.
Credit Control Drifters – This report identifies units that are making regular payments but the payment amounts are not sufficient to clear the outstanding balance in a reasonable period of time and / or before the next demands will be produced. The criteria for a unit to appear on the report are as follows:
  1. They must owe money
  2. Their block must allow "payment on demand or monthly"
  3. They must be making regular payments, defined as 3 or more payments in the last 6 months where no single payment is more than double the average payment
  4. The last receipt must be no more than 1% lower than the amount required to clear the outstanding balance before the next demand is issued. (Note: If two receipts are recorded for the same day then they are aggregated together to calculate the last receipt amount.)

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