3.1.4 Reporting - Workbench

3.1.4 Reporting - Workbench

Blocks Online provides a number of reports to support staff with the management of all blocks loaded into the system. Some are listed below:
  • Service Charge Report: 012a – Budgets to be Primed. This report lists all blocks that require a budget. By default, blocks appear on this report three months before the new financial year. Once the status of the new budget is changed to ‘With PM for Review’ or ‘With Client for Review’ then the block will no longer appear on this report. Blocks will be listed on this report if:
    • Either they have no budget loaded into the system for the forthcoming year
    • Or the budget in the system has a ‘Being Drafted’ status.
  • Service Charge Report: 012b – Budgets to be Chased. This report lists all blocks that have a budget that is under review. Blocks appear on this report when the budget status is either ‘With PM for Review’ or ‘With Client for Review’. Once the budget status is set to ‘Agreed and Loaded’ then the block no longer appears on this report.
  • Demand Production Report: 002 – Demands To Be Raised. This report lists all blocks that need to have their demands produced. Blocks only appear on this report when they have a budget with a status of ‘Agreed and Loaded’. The report is divided into three section:
    • Ready to be produced - These are regular demands that are ready to be produced and distributed
    • First Ever demand - This is the first set of demands for this block. You may wish to send these demands out with a covering letter or other documentation
    • Include Budget Certificate - This is the first set of demands for a new financial year. You may wish to send out these demands with a budget certificate.
  • Report: 028 - Daily Receipts Posted. This report shows all the receipts that have been posted onto the blocks on a particular date. 
  • Report: 018 - Unpaid Supplier Invoices - This report shows you all the supplier invoices in the system that have not been paid. Instead of going into each block, you can simply run this report.
  • Report: 038a - Approved Supplier Invoices - This report shows all supplier invoices that have a status of 'Approved' and are ready to be paid. 
  • ·       Report : 052 - Remittance Advice - This report shows all supplier invoices with payments for suppliers. You can run this across a supplier then print it off in order to send it to them. Simply select the supplier and the date range (transaction date based) to generate a PDF. Below the report there is an option to Email this Remittance. 

Some of the report examples are listed below:
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