3.1.5 Search

3.1.5 Search

Blocks Online provides a few search facilities. 

One is the unit search facility which gives an overview of a unit. This feature is particularly useful when a leaseholder calls up to find out some details. 
Access via the top right hand side of the Workbench called Unit

Unit Search – The Unit Search function allows for a look-up on a unit holder. The place holder in the search informs the user on what they can search on:

There are 2 sections: 
1) Filter
Allows you to pick the relevant block and unit if you know it or it can be left as All Blocks and All Units which is the default.
If you chose a block, then All Units and then click search, you are presented with a list of all units from that block:

You can then click on any of the units listed to show its summary details. 
If you choose a block and then a unit, it automatically opens the summary details for that unit. If you then revert back to All Units, you are presented with the list again. 

2) Searches
These fields will all you to do a refined search by entering a value into any of them.
This then does a search for that particular search type across the filters chosen. You can choose filters for the search criteria to only apply to those. 
You can only enter values into one search field at a time. 
For example if you choose to add a name for the search which can be the property manager/sponsor/unit owner/people involved then it runs that name across all blocks and all units:

NOTE: If you carry out a search and the name matches to multiple units or multiple blocks, you will be presented with a list.
If you carry out a search where only one unit is returned, then you are presented with the unit details straight away:

Each section can be clicked on (minus or plus sign next to section title to present more data or reduced to only have selected sections open/closed. 
The sections are:

Unit Details 
The Unit Details outline basic information about the unit such as the unit address, correspondence address and tenant reference. 

Financial Position
This section shows the overall financial position of that unit. How much service charge is owed or how much ground rent is owed. It also contains their account statement and allows you to view demands. 

This section contains all the tickets that are associated with this unit. If you click View then it opens up a window where you can see the actual ticket. 

The Portal section becomes available if the module is subscribed to and there is an active user with an email. Here you can also toggle between their preferences as well as login as them on the Portal. 

Credit Control
This section shows the credit control cases associated with that unit. Just like Tickets, you can view the details on this. 

The other one is the Bank Transaction lookup. 
Bank Transaction lookup - Through this function you are able to search for a transaction of a given amount or reference.
    • Access via the menu option: Finance -> Bank Transaction Look-up

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