6.3.4 Settings

6.3.4 Settings

There are two separate places in the system where default text can be set for use when producing Quotations and Work Orders. They cover different default text elements.
1. In the Agent Preferences screen – accessed via the 'cog' option in the top right of the screen:

Within the 'Tickets' tab you have the option to select one of multiple Templates e.g. 'Quotation Introduction', 'Agent Terms', ‘Invoice Instructions’ Work Order Introduction:

The default text used when producing Quotations and Work Orders can be modified via the Agent Preferences screens - See the 'cog' option in the top right of the screen.
Within the 'Quotation and Work Order' tab you have the option to select one of multiple Templates e.g. 'Quotation Introduction', 'Block Instruction', 'Agent Terms'.

For each Template the Default text is shown. This can be modified. Once changed all new Quotations / Work Orders will use this new default text for the relevant Blocks.
For each Template, specific Default text can be maintained for each Block. To create Block specific default text, choose the relevant Block from the drop-down list and enter the default text. Once saved the block and its default text is listed at the foot of the screen. This can be modified or deleted at any stage in the future.

2. In the Ticketing -> Blocks Instructions menu:

There are two types of Block Instructions: ‘Supplier Instructions’ and ‘Agent Work Order Instructions’.

Supplier Instructions – these are instructions that can be set as default text that will appear on all Quotations and Work Orders created for the specific Block they are created against for and suppliers will see when they receive the quotation or work order.

The default text appears in the ‘General Instructions for work at: ‘Block Name’’ section of the template used when creating a Quotation Request or Work Order, the text can also be edited further if required when in the template:

Agent Work Order Instructions – these are instructions that can be created as default text for relevant Blocks where an agent may have to seek authority from say block Directors to issue work orders.

To create the default text for a relevant Block click on the ‘Add Instruction’ button which is top right on the Blocks Instructions menu and a pop-up window will appear then select the relevant block from the ‘Block’ dropdown menu you wish the instruction to apply to and then select ‘Agent Work Order Instructions’ from the ‘Instruction Type’ dropdown menu.
Then add the text you wish to appear in the Instructions field and click on ‘Save’

 This will now appear for the relevant block in the ‘Block Instructions’ list screen.

So now where a Block has got an Agent Work Order Instruction created against it then when you create a ‘New Work Order’ on the Ticket screen a pop-up window will appear with the instruction details highlighted in red:

To proceed the user must click the check box with the wording ‘I confirm that I have reviewed and followed the Work Order Instructions’ PLUS they must put some text in the ‘Comment’ box, this will then activate the ‘Next’ button and will save the information and the Work Order screen will then appear for them to continue:

Once the Work Order has been created and sent, then in the ‘History’ menu of the Ticket screen a record of both the user confirmation and the text put in the Comment box from the Agent Work Order Instruction will appear:

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