4.11.10 Why am I unable to match Invoices to Receipts

4.11.10 Why am I unable to match Invoices to Receipts

Should you find that you are unable to match Invoices to Receipts, for example, when  you go to the Finance -> Fees & Receipts -> Match Receipts and Invoices screen, when  you select  a unit you would expect to see all the Unpaid Invoices relating to the Service Charge, Reserve Fund and Ground Rent. However, this is only the case if all three types have the same bank details.  Therefore the Unpaid Invoices list will not include the Reserve Fund if the account details of the Reserve Fund are different to the Service Charge account details. This will not allow you to match the Service Charge Receipt to the Reserve Fund line of the demand as this line will appear under the Reserve Fund account type.

In order to rectify this, Blocks Online suggests that you go to Finance -> Set up accounts -> Bank accounts and set up a dummy Reserve Fund account with the same bank account details as the Service Charge account. Make it Primary as well. If you have another Reserve Fund account which has different bank account details but is set to Primary, then set this second bank account to non-primary. You are not able to have two Reserve Bank accounts are Primary at the same time.
Going back to the Match Receipts and Invoices screen, under the account type Service Charge, the Reserve Fund line will now be visible. This will allow you to match the Service Charge Receipts to both the Service Charge and Reserve Fund lines on the demand. 
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