4.6.1 View Bank Statement

4.6.1 View Bank Statement

Accessed via the menu option: Finance ->Bank Statements

This screen allows you to see the bank statement across all the bank accounts for a block. This includes virtual accounts as well (Accounts with the same bank account details as another account). 
It allows you to view all transactions, whether it is a payment out or a receipt that has come in. 

You can record payments out by using [Record Payment] which will take you to create a supplier invoice.
There is a [Transfer Money] option to transfer money across the bank accounts within the block

NOTE: If you wish to transfer money from one block to another, then please create a payment out (via the Workbench -> Finance -> Accounts Payable -> Post Expenditure -> Payment) for one block or raise a negative receipt (put a minus in front of a receipt amount) and then raise a receipt in the other block where the funds should be transferred in. 
This will then showing it going out in one block and coming into the other block. It is advisable to add a comment when recording transactions as well so you know what the receipt is related to or the payment. 

You can record [Bank Charges]

You can record [Third Party Receipts] for Third-Party Invoices that you can generate within the Fee Collection screen. More info on the Third-Party Invoices: 4.3.3 Raising Ad-hoc Demands
These can be paid from any open bank accounts. We have left this choice up to the user on how they wish to proceed with this. 

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