6.2.2 Viewing Tickets

6.2.2 Viewing Tickets

Once tickets have been created they can be viewed in the Ticket screen.

To access go to the Workbench menu: Ticketing -> Ticketing (from drop down menu)

By default this screen will display all tickets that have an ‘Active’ ticket status and showing for the user logged in that they have been assigned to and are displayed in ascending ‘Next Action Date’ order with the ticket with the oldest next action date displayed first. As a default, only those with a Next Action Date before the ‘Action by Date’ field will be displayed. If you wish to view Tickets that are to be actioned in the future then the ‘Action by date’ field should be altered.

You can also obtain a Calendar view of all Tickets by selecting the calendar icon in the top right of the screen. Tickets are colour coded with the red / orange tickets being the higher priority items and the green tickets being medium / lower priority. The ‘Action by Date’ for a ticket can be altered by ‘drag and drop’ of the Ticket.

There are various preference fields that can be selected to search by using the ‘Search’ button when you have selected the relevant parameters you require:

PM – this will show All PMs (Property Managers) as the default but an individual PM can be selected and in conjunction with selecting other parameters will show tickets for  Blocks that PM is responsible for and can also show where a ticket has been assigned to someone else, hence providing the PM with an overview of what is happening across those Blocks.

Block – an individual Block or all Blocks can be selected.

Unit - an individual Unit or all Units in a Block can be selected.

Supplier - an individual Supplier or all Suppliers can be selected.

Assigned To – this is the user who is logged in and will display those Tickets where the user is set as the ‘Assigned To’ user dealing with those Tickets. Another user or All users can be selected to display. 

Ticket Type – All or individual Ticket Types can be selected to display.

Priority - All or specific Priority levels can be selected to display.

Ticket Status - All Active or specific Statuses can be selected to display.

Action by Date – the default date will display based on today’s date but you can click on the field box and a pop-up calendar will appear enabling you to select another date, particularly useful if you want to put in a future date to get a view on what tickets are coming up for a next actions.

Ticket ID – this field enables you to put in a specific Ticket ID just to view up that particular ticket.

Search – this a field which enables you to do a keyword search across the tickets.

In addition you can also download an Excel or PDF of your relevant screen selection displayed by clicking on the relevant button at the top of the columns displayed.

Also you can click on the top of any column to re-sort the display order by that particular column parameter.

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