2.4 Agent set-up Steps

2.4 Agent set-up Steps

Think of this as a check list to follow in sequence in order to get onboarded fully on the system:

STEP 1: Users/Staff Setup - These are all the users that will be able to log into the system in order to use it. There is no limit to the number of people you can setup. 

New users can be added via the Workbench -> Settings -> Organisation -> Users -> User Management. 
To watch a video on how to carry out this process, please click on this video:  STEP 1: Users/Staff Setup

STEP 2: Chart of Accounts (COA) Setup - These are all the services that are associated with the budget but also provide the list of default services that will be used for a supplier. The system has a default Chart of Accounts already loaded which generally covers most of the services required in the budget and provided by suppliers. The default set is attached to this article.

Please look at the following article to ensure you are familiar with the Chart of Accounts set-up in the system  and this includes details of how to add more, delete or change services and the grouping of services and layout of how these appear in the Budget screens and associated reporting:   3.5.12 Chart of Accounts
We do advise against the removal of services after you have completed your set-up.
This is because you may have budget amounts, suppliers or supplier invoices linked to these services, the system will provide pop-up warning messages advising you where you are trying to remove services in these instances. This is why we recommend it is sorted at the start before you continue.
You can activate and deactivate services within a block. For example in the budget, you may not need all the services, but please see the following article for more details 4.2.6 STEP 6 - Block Schedules and Block Services .
PLEASE NOTE: once you have set-up your Chart of Accounts at the beginning, it is easy to add on to it but other amendments (deleting and restarting) may not be so easy and while the system knowledge base should provide you with the information you need, if you are struggling to address an issue then get in touch with us at support@blocksonline.co.uk.
If we are required to extensively assist you to resolve an issue that requires admin work on your behalf then a cost maybe incurred based on the work requested.

STEP 3: Agent Suppliers Setup - This is where you set your global list of suppliers that will be used across all your blocks. You add the supplier here once and then you will be able to link them to each block afterwards, from where you can create supplier invoices. For more info, see point 1 on the following article: 3.3.1 Suppliers Overview.

You can upload suppliers in bulk as well in the system. 
More information on the bulk upload can be found on point 5 of the following article:  3.1.3 Agent Management
To watch a video on how to carry out this process, please click on this video:  STEP 3: Agent Suppliers Setup

STEP 4: Register Blocks - It is good to get all of your blocks registered first on the system.

Follow the KB article:  3.2.1 Register a new Block. Once they have been registered, you can then later on add details inside it, such as unit owner details, people involved etc.
You can upload blocks, unit details and people involved records in bulk as well in the system. 
More information on the bulk upload can be found on point 5 of the following article:  3.1.3 Agent Management
To watch a video on how to carry out this process, please click on this video:  STEP 4: Register Blocks

STEP 5: Bank Account Setup - In terms of bank account structure, there may be some differences in the way Managing Agents operate. The system provides for various different bank account setups:

  1. You can have one account that is linked to all blocks which holds all of the money (in the system we refer to it as a group bank account - setup in the agent settings screen)
  2. You can have separate bank accounts for each block (more common setup - this can be done inside the block)
  3. You can have separate bank accounts in each block but also a group bank account that may be linked to some other blocks
  4.  You can have multiple group bank accounts that split your Service Charge, Reserve Fund and Ground Rent (this is not a regular setup).
If more info is required, we strongly suggest you speak to our support team by emailing to  support@blocksonline.co.uk or you give us a call and speak to us on  020 3384 3418
To watch a video on how to carry out this process, please click on this video:  STEP 5: Bank Account Setup

STEP 6: Agent Settings - These are all the global settings for you as the managing agent on the system.

It ranges from demand settings to portal settings (For those who have the Portal module, this will become very useful. You can customise the colour scheme, the documents that are visible to unit holders and the text on the Portal).
It is not ideal to have everyone access this screen and should really be looked after by someone who overlooks the business such as the Director or Managing Director. 
This screen together with the User Management screen can be restricted to some users - do let us know which users you want to do this to. 
Accessed via the top right hand side of the Workbench in the form of a gear/cog icon

Some settings may not apply to you so best to avoid it. If more info is required, we strongly suggest you speak to our support team by emailing to  support@blocksonline.co.uk or you give us a call and speak to us on 020 3384 3418. 
To watch a video on how to carry out this process, please click on this video:  STEP 6: Agent Settings

STEP 7: Block Setup - Once all the blocks are registered then you can start populating data into the blocks.

This setup process is broken down in simple steps for you. 
A video and more info on this can be found on the KB articles from this page:  4.2 Block set-up Steps

STEP 8: Portal Setup (If you have the portal module) - Once the blocks are all setup and before you produce demands, the system will allow you to email demands to your unit holders.

This requires a few things in order to be properly setup. At the start you will have all of the users on the system who have an email address, which is most likely done during your Block Setup process or in the bulk upload process.
To send demands via email, firstly  change the preferences of the unit holders so they can be emailed.
This can be done from the Workbench -> Portal -> Leaseholder Preferences (more info on this can be found on the following article:  5.2.4 Leaseholder Preferences).  Once this has been done then you can produce the demands. 
To watch a video on how to carry out this process, please click on this video:  STEP 8: Portal Setup

Once you have finished the above steps, you can book in your free 30 min onboarding call with support where you can quickly review the steps you finished and look at the block setups steps that you have carried out as well. It will be a good opportunity for us to greet you and formally welcome you to the system and point you in the right direction so you can start using the system more efficiently. 
We also advice  NOT TO enter financial data until the on-boarding has been completed to ensure that you do not enter in wrong information which will take longer to rectify afterwards if done incorrectly (if extensive admin work is required to do this then it may incur a charge). The onboarding also allows you to get some time to get your queries answered and get you moving in the right direction. 

Speak to our support team by emailing to support@blocksonline.co.uk or you give us a call and speak to us on 020 3384 3418 if you have any queries.

Attached are also our default demands, statements and credit control letters.
These defaults can be customised but depending on what the changes are, there could be a potential charge as we need to allocate time and resources for it to be created, tested and promoted to your account. Details on the cost and timing can be obtained once the requirements are sent to our support team.  
Our professional services fees are £100.00 + VAT per hour.  
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