3.1.8 Workbench Dashboard and Widgets

3.1.8 Workbench Dashboard and Widgets

The main dashboard in the Workbench has several widgets which are linked to our core system and additional modules and you can configure which widgets you want displayed. See screenshot examples below:

Like any good Dashboard, you get an overview of the workload and can see how many areas of the system require the user’s attention. At a glance, the user can determine which area they prefer to work on first. Once they have finished with one area, they can easily switch back to the main Dashboard screen and navigate to another area that requires their attention. This enables user to optimise their approach to work and increases their productivity.

You can re-order the widgets on the screen by hovering your cursor over the widget you wish to move then left clicking and holding it down on your mouse and then drag the widget to another place on the right had side of the screen and release it. NB: the main ‘Block Login’ panel cannot be moved from the left hand side of the screen.

In addition, if you only wish to display 4 or less widgets these will appear in only one column.

To decide which widgets you wish to display you click on the ‘Preferences’ button at the top right of the screen and the following pop-up screen will appear:

You select the relevant check box alongside the widget you wish to have displayed and clicking on ‘Save Changes’ and then those widgets will now appear on your Workbench dashboard screen.

The current widgets on the Dashboard display information about:

Tickets: this widget displays the tickets in the users’ queue awaiting action. Clicking on the Tickets widget number directs the user to the Tickets screen where they are presented with tickets assigned to them initially. Thereafter, the user can view any tickets assigned to any other agent. Clicking the Back button on the browser or the Home menu gets the user back to the main Dashboard. 


Distribution: this widget directs the user to the Documents awaiting to be sent screen. By default, the user’s documents are displayed but this can be changed to display any documents. Clicking the Back button on the browser or the Home menu gets the user back to the main Dashboard.

Supplier Invoices: If the supplier invoice approval process is turned on, this widget will display all the invoices that need to be approved. The number of invoices to approve is based on the user that is logged in. If clicked on, the widget re-directs the user to the invoice approval screen. More info can be found on this article:  4.5.7 Supplier Invoice Approval Process.

Health & Safety: This shows all the assessments that need to be scheduled and completed.  If clicked on, the widget re-directs the user to the H&S Summary screen. More info can be found on this article: 4.8.3 Workbench - H&S Summary.

Credit Control Cases: This shows the number of credit control cases that are still unresolved up until the current day. This is not user specific but is based on the whole organisation. 
The criteria for the different colours are as follows:
GREEN = less than 30 days past next action date
AMBER = more than 30 days but less than 60 days past next action date
RED = more than 60 days past next action date.
If clicked on, the widget re-directs the user to the  credit control cases screen. More info can be found on these articles:  7. Credit Control

Blocks Online Updates: this widget allows you to keep up to date with the latest updates from us.

Email Audit:
this widget this will display the number of emails that were ‘Failed’, ‘Complained’, ‘Rejected’, ‘Unsubscribed’ across your Blocks Online account for the previous day/over the weekend and if you click on the widget it will take you to the Email Audit screen.

More info can be found on this article: https://support.blocksonline.co.uk/portal/en/kb/articles/8-5-email-audit

Demand Production: this widget displays all the outstanding demands that need to be produced for both Service Charge and Ground Rent across all blocks.
If you click on this widget then it will divert you to the Reporting screen and the Demand Production report is generated:

Insurance Renewal: this widget displays all the insurance renewals from all the blocks and are categorised into 3 titles. They are:
  1. New Block - No Insurance details loaded: - automatically these are thought to have passed their renewal date as the block has not been set up with an insurance within the block insurance screen (this is based on the block start date which you set) 
  2. Insurance to be arranged
  3. Policy in place, awaiting documents
  4. On the reporting screen there are records which don't have a warning, late or escalate but this is because you have more than 2 weeks until the renewal date/end date of the insurance but this is excluded in the widget
The indicators are broken down into 3 levels following a red, amber and green
Warning: 2 weeks until the end date of the insurance/renewal date
Late: 1 week until the end date of the insurance/renewal date
Escalate: the insurance has passed its end date/renewal date
If you click on this widget then it will divert you to the Reporting screen and the Insurance Renewal report is generated: 

SCOAP Users ONLY (If you would like to subscribe to this module then please contact support@blocksonline.co.uk)
Service Charge Accounts: This widget has 2 sections.
The first section shows all of the service charge accounts across the organisation that are to be submitted/published to the accountant or finalised (after submitted date is set).
The 'To be Submitted' part is for accounts where a submitted date is not set:
  1. Green - Within 6 weeks of end date
  2. Yellow - Late: 6 weeks past end date
  3. Red - Escalate: 8 weeks past end date
The 'To be Finalised' part is for accounts where a submitted date is set but the no publish date has been set.
It follows the same RAG breakdown as above. 

The second section is a pie chart. It contains the statuses returned from SCOAP:
  1. Not Started - The account has been linked to SCOAP and the new instructions have been sent over. 
  2. Transactions Loaded - The first action performed in SCOAP is to retrieve the transactions from Blocks Online
  3. Journalling Started - Manual journal entries to make adjustments in SCOAP
  4. Reporting Started - Account information is at a point where they can produce the initial service charge accounts report  and in SCOAP the report has been initiated
  5. Waiting Client Input - when an Accountant has asked a question for the client and is waiting an answer (e.g. are you ok for me to accrue this?)
  6. Draft Being Reviewed - The draft PDF of the service charge accounts are generated
  7. Finalised - the draft PDF has been converted to the final version of the service charge accounts
  8. Published - the accounts are confirmed by the accountant and is updated as published
  9. Unpublished - if you are unhappy after publishing the accounts, you can unpublish them (small warning triangle shown in Blocks Online within the screen)
These statuses are driven from the updates provided by SCOAP as there is progression on the accounts. They indicate the different stages of processing the accounts that progressed within SCOAP. 
The order of movement through the statuses is generally in line with how they are listed.
You will be able to de-select the status for the pie chart at the bottom by click on the wording within the legend and the pie chart will update accordingly:

NOTE: If the SCOAP Status and the Status in Blocks Online is Published (Published Date) then it will disappear from the pie chart as you no longer need to focus on this account. 
You can always revisit the accounts to see the document from the list screen. 
If you click on the actual segments of the pie chart or bar chart then it will take you to the Service Charge Accounts screen:

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