8.5 Email Audit

8.5 Email Audit

Blocks Online uses an industry leading email service provider called Mailgun for email distribution from its system. All emails sent from the Blocks Online system are 'handed over' via an API link to Mailgun to be sent.

A record is kept of the emails created by the system and you can view these and the relevant statuses on the Email Audit screen.

       Access the screen via the Workbench menu: Agent Management > Distribution Manager then click on the Email Audit.

There are various filters you can search by on the Email Audit:

Raised by’ – this is the person who created the email to be sent out from the system, it is also the person who undertook an activity that resulted in an email being sent out. For example, if someone records a receipt and a leaseholder has requested an email to confirm the receipt then the person who records the receipt would be the 'Raised by' person.

‘Status’ – there are various system statuses that will display when an email is created to be sent out from the system. (More information about the various statuses is detailed below)

To - This allows you to enter the email address of the person to whom the email was sent to. It is useful when individuals question the email was sent to them and you want to check if it has actually been sent

‘Date Range’ – the default display is today’s date but you can select different dates ranges.

A one line summary for each email that has been created based on the search filter selected will appear below in the screen below – You can download the summary by clicking on the appropriate Excel or PDF button.


  • Accepted – System accepted the request to send/forward the email and the message has been placed in queue.
  • Delivered – System sent the email and it was accepted by the recipient email server.
  • Opened - The email recipient opened the email.
  • Clicked - The email recipient clicked on a link in the email.
  • Temporary Failure – System could not initially deliver the email to the recipient email server, but will retry until a permanent outcome has happened
  • Failed - System could not deliver the email to the recipient email server.
  • Complained - The email recipient clicked on the spam complaint button and the recipient's email server provides feedback loops to the System for these complaints.
  • Unsubscribed - The email recipient clicked on the unsubscribe link.
  • Rejected – System rejected the request to send/forward the email.
  • Pending – This status maybe displayed for up to 10 minutes as the system runs a batch process to feed emails into our email service provider.

1.     On the far right of each email summary if you click on the ‘View’ button a pop-up window will appear with more information about the relevant email selected, including a copy of the email details, status details and status tracking.

In addition, you can click on the ‘Unit Search’ button on the pop-up screen and it will take you to the Unit Search screen for that particular email address. 

2.        Obviously the overwhelming majority of emails get delivered from the system within minutes but occasionally there are times when emails do not get delivered due to factors like incorrect email addresses having been input or email recipients who have put emailing blocking set-ups on their email accounts

Sometimes a ‘Temporary Failure’ may occur when the system could not initially deliver the email to the recipient email server, but it will retry until a permanent outcome has happened.

You will be notified of any ‘Failed’, ‘Complained’, ‘Rejected’, ‘Unsubscribed’ status emails on the ‘Notifications’ icon of the Workbench screen and based on the preferences you have set for your ‘Notifications’ you will be sent an email for these.

See Workbench Notifications link for more detail on settings:  https://support.blocksonline.co.uk/portal/en/kb/articles/3-1-8-workbench-notifications

In addition, we have created a Workbench widget called ‘Email Notification’ which you can activate to show on the Workbench home page and this will display the number of emails that were ‘Failed’, ‘Complained’, ‘Rejected’, ‘Unsubscribed’ across your Blocks Online account for the previous day and if you click on the widget it will take you to the Email Audit screen.

3.     Recommended actions to take for the following statuses:

Failed – There can be a number of reasons why an email failed and you if you click on the ‘View’ button for the relevant email you will be able to see in the top right section of the pop-up window the ‘Status Details’ and the reason given for the failure.

Some typically reasons that you may see are:

The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.

Invalid recipient or Recipient not found or Mailbox unknown.

No MX for (listed website address) or Unable to connect to MX servers.

Not delivering to previously bounced address.

For the reasons above we recommend you check things like you have the correct spelling and send emails outside of Blocks Online to those recipients to see if they get delivered, if they do then please notify our Support team and we will take them off the Suppression list that the email system so that emails should go through to them from Blocks Online, if they don't then you need to resolve that with the recipient directly to get them to change something with their email settings or email address itself.

Other reasons shown maybe:

Recipient address rejected: Access denied. [prod.protection.outlook.com].

Rule imposed mailbox access for (email address) refused.

Not delivering to a user who marked your messages as spam.

For the above reasons we recommend that you contact the recipients by phone to advise them that they need to whitelist any emails from the blocksonline.co.uk domain to enable them to receive emails that come from your Blocks Online system account.

Complained - The email recipient clicked on the spam complaint button and the recipient's email server provides feedback loops to the System for these complaints.

Unsubscribed - The email recipient clicked on the unsubscribe link.

For the above statuses we recommend that you contact the recipients by phone to find out why they have selected either of the above actions and if they are to continue receiving emails from your Blocks Online system account you will need to contact our Support team to take the recipient’s email address off the Suppression list.

Rejected – if this status is displayed please notify our Support team and we will investigate as to why it has been rejected and advise on what action should be taken regarding the relevant email. 

NOTE: Although we try to give enough memory for you to go back several years of the Email Audit, there are always limitation on the memory set within your browser itself which may prevent you from accessing a large volume of audit in one go. This has unfortunately not got anything to do with Blocks Online and therefore would require you to search the audit with a smaller search range. 
If you search for a wide date range and our system can't handle the request due to its huge volume then we will prompt a warning: "There are too many results for this search. Please refine your search criteria. If you need further assistance, then please contact our Support Team." This would also mean you need to narrow down your search.
Majority of the queries are for one or two individuals so therefore using the To field should help it run more efficient.

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