3.5.2 Agent Preferences

3.5.2 Agent Preferences

Accessed via Workbench -> Settings
This tab consists of several tabs:
  1. Distribution
  2. Finance
  3. Health & Safety
  4. Standing Order

This section allows you to enter in the default printing preferences for demands and credit control.
Here you can also select a separate module on our system called Desktop Mailing which uses a third party printing company called DocMail to process your demands and they will do the printing and posting for you so you don't have to. Please email us on support@blocksonline.co.uk if you wish to upgrade to this module or to just find some more information. 
The letter production will be a future module and this setting will be fully functional then. 


This section allows you to set the default bank that you use when importing receipts into the system. You can also set the number of days prior to the start date from which you can produce demands for both service charge and ground rent. 

Health & Safety

This section allows you to set the number of days which determine the status of the health and safety assessments on the H&S Dashboard (more info on this KB article: 4.8.4 Workbench - H&S Summary).

Standing Order

This section allows you to decide whether standing order forms can be generated together with demands. This is a global setting and you can also decide within each block if you want to include it. 

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