7.3.2 Step 1 - Bulk Case Creation - List Potential Cases

7.3.2 Step 1 - Bulk Case Creation - List Potential Cases

In ‘Step 1 – Bulk Case Creation - List Potential Cases’ section using the selection criteria, a range of blocks / units is selected for which potential Cases could be created:
  • Block / Property Manager / Sponsor – Used to select blocks
  • Min Amount Overdue – Only units that have at least this amount overdue will be selected
  • Case Type – Service Charge, Ground Rent or All
  • Payment options (see Block Payment Options above):
    • Include blocks where payment is due on demand – This will only include blocks where payment is due 'on demand' AND:
      • Either the unpaid demands are a minimum number of days after the Due Date (when set to zero, all demands that have a due date prior to today will be selected)
      • Or there are unpaid Opening Balances
    • Include blocks that accept a payment plan – This will only include blocks that allow payment 'on demand or monthly' AND:
      • Either there is a minimum number of days since the last payment was received
      • Or there are unpaid Opening Balances.
Then clicking on the ‘List Potential Cases’ button will then display a list of all units that meet the criteria specified.
To continue the bulk processing see 7.3.3 Step 2 - Create Case(s) for details.

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