7.3.3 Step 2 - Create Case(s)

7.3.3 Step 2 - Create Case(s)

The screen lists all of the units for either ‘All Blocks’ or the particular Block selected where Credit Control Cases could be raised against them.

The column headings are:

On the far left is a Checklist box which you select for all Units shown on the screen or you can scroll down and select relevant Units.

Ref – this is the Block Reference.

Block – this is the Block Name.

Unit – this is the Unit Number/Name.

MT – if the Unit Owner is a member of the Management Team for the Block then MT will be displayed against their name.

Owner – the Unit Owner’s name.

SC/GR – this signifies whether the outstanding demands are either for Service Charge or Ground Rent.

Overdue – this shows the amount that is passed the overdue date(s).

Outstanding – this shows the total amount owing including any amounts that are not yet overdue.

Last Three Receipts - these columns show the amounts and dates of the last three receipts recorded on the system.

There is also a ‘Login’ button which if clicked will open login to the relevant Block for that Unit.

The list can be resorted by column by click on the relevant column heading PLUS there are buttons enabling you to download an ‘Excel’ and/or ‘PDF’ version of the list.

Once you have selected the Units you wish to create credit control cases against then click on the ‘Create Case(s)’ button and the following pop-up screen will be displayed:

This will show how many units you selected that you are about to create control case(s) for and also has the following fields that you can edit before creating the case(s):

Next Action Date/Deadline Date - by default the date is set to 14 days after the day of case creation i.e. the system will give the unit owner 14 days to make payment before taking any further action.

Case Status - this defaults to ‘CC - Unresolved Case’ but can be changed from the dropdown menu.

Payment Plan – this is greyed out unless the ‘CC – Under Payment Plan’ is selected from the Case Status dropdown menu.

If the ‘CC – Under Payment Plan’ is selected then the Payment Plan field can have an amount input i.e. 100 which will represent £100 and click the radio button for ‘Monthly’ or ‘Quarterly’ for the payment frequency.

Assigned to – this defaults to the system user who is logged into the system but can be changed from the dropdown menu.

Produce first reminder letter when case is created – If this checkbox option is selected then a first reminder letter will be produced when the Cases are created. A copy of the letter is stored with each Case. Note: If this option is not selected then new Cases will be created but a reminder letter will not be produced. If reminder letters are to be subsequently produced then they can be created one-by-one for each Case.

Once you are happy with the criteria selected then click on the ‘Create Cases’ button and a pop-up screen will appear to ask you to confirm you wish to go ahead:

When you click on ‘OK’ then the system will show case(s) being generated text and when they have been generated a further pop-up screen will appear and if you have selected a first reminder letter to be produced then you will have the option to go to the Distribution Manager to then send out (print the PDF’s, Email or use Desktop Mailing (if activated for your account)) the letters as shown below:

If you have not selected a first reminder letter to be produced then you will be asked to confirm if you wish to create the case(s) and if you click ‘OK’ then you will have the option to go to the Credit Control Cases screen.

See 7.3.4 How to Stop the Automatic Generation of Reminder Letters to learn how to stop the sutomatic generation of reminder letters.
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