5.4.7 Report a Problem

5.4.7 Report a Problem

This screen operates in one of two ways depending on whether or not the Agent has purchased the Blocks Online ‘Ticketing Module’.

Agents without the Blocks Online Ticketing Module
Users are presented with a screen that allows them to record details about the problem they wish to report.
Once the information is entered a formatted email is sent to the Property Manager for the Block.
Any future communication between the Agent and the Leaseholder would be undertaken via email or telephone, outside of the Blocks Online system.

Agents with the Blocks Online Ticketing Module
For an Agent with the Blocks Online Ticketing Module, the ‘Report a Problem’ facility is integrated with the ticketing system. Whenever a user reports a problem, a ticket is automatically created.
When a user selects the ‘Report a Problem’ option they are presented with a list of all tickets that are active and have been ‘Published’ (see below for more details).
Users are able to [View] details associated with the tickets and any updates / comments that have also been published regarding the ticket using the Messages screen.

Through the screen a user is able to report a problem using the [Report New Problem] option.
The user provides a summary of the problem and a description; a document / photo can also be attached.
Once confirmed by the user, a new ticket is created in the Ticketing Module. These tickets are given a ticket type of ‘New PM Enquiry’, they are given a priority of Unassigned and they are set to a status of ‘Publish’. The Property Manager will receive an email informing them that a new problem has been reported and that a ticket has been raised.
When the ticket is first accessed in the ticketing module, the Agent is required to allocate a ticket type and give the ticket a priority before any updates can be made to the ticket.

In the Ticketing Module, the Agent is able to add comments about a ticket in the normal fashion. When a Comment is added to a ticket, the Agent has the option to ‘Publish’ the comment. Any comments that are published will be visible to leaseholders through the Portal. Property owners who have elected to receive email updates (using the ‘my preferences’ screen) will immediately receive an email providing them with an update regarding the ticket.
For more info, see this KB article: 
  1. 6.4.1 Publishing Tickets to Leaseholders
  2. 6.4.2 Publishing updates (i.e. comments) to Tickets
At any time, an Agent can choose to publish or unpublish a ticket and can also choose to publish or unpublish a comment.
For more information relating to the Ticketing Module, please contact Support via email: support@blocksonline.co.uk or call support: 020 3384 3418   

The Portal Settings also allows users to control whether the Report a Problem option is available and which Ticket Visibility options can be chosen by the leaseholder: 

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