When 'New Work Order' is selected, key information is set-up for the Work Order. Any of this information can be modified by the user:
- Introduction - This is standard introductory text (set-up for your Agent account) for the Work Order
- 'Work Summary' and 'Description of Work' - This is either copied from the ticket if a New Work Order is created or is copied from the Quotation Request.
- General Instructions for work at ... - These are any block specific instructions
- Include "invoice to" information - By selecting this option, the Management Company name and Agent's address are included on the Work Order as the name and address to where invoices should be addressed
- Invoicing Instructions - These are any agent specific instructions
- Terms - These are any agent specific terms or instructions.
Work Order Instructions
You can set Workorder instructions when raising Workorders. This will prompt the instruction before you start on a new Workorder:
These instructions are set in the Block Instructions menu. More info on this KB article:
6.3.4 Settings
Documents can be attached to the Work Order using the Attachments button.
By selecting Next you are able to choose one Supplier to receive the Work Order. Once a Supplier has been chosen you have the option to 'View Work Order' - This will display the Work Order that will be sent to the chosen Supplier. You can then go Back and edit any details on the Work Order before proceeding.
If the email address is not correct then you can either [Edit] the Supplier details (which will permanently update the Supplier record) or you can over-type the Email address (which will only save the email address for this Work Order).
NOTE: You can only send Work Orders to suppliers whose details have been set-up in the system. If the Supplier's name does not appear in the drop-down list then you can you use the 'Add Supplier' option to create a new Supplier record.
Once you have chosen your supplier you select Next. An email preview screen displays the email that will be sent to the supplier(s). The default email text (set-up for your Agent account) is shown. You can modify the Message text as well as the email Subject line.
There is also an 'Add a Comment' box which you can tick. This will allow you to publish comments (default text: Work Order has been sent to supplier) to unit holders on the Property Portal to inform them that Work Order has been sent to the supplier. The comment can be altered if needed.
Once a Work Order has been sent the Work Order can be viewed via the 'View' button. From the View Work Order screen you can:
- View the pdf of the Work Order
- Keep notes relating to the Work Order.
At any stage you can copy a Work Order. You can delete a Draft Work Order before it is Sent.