5.4.1 Home

5.4.1 Home

When a user logs on to the Portal they are presented with the Home Page:

The Portal has several menu tabs at the top:
Come back to the home screen if you are in another screen

My Account - More info on this KB article: 5.4.2 My Account

Messages - More info on this KB article: 5.4.3 Messages

Documents - More info on this KB article: 5.4.4 Documents​​

Unit holders can decide if they want to publish their number and email on the directory for other unit holders to see. This is controlled via the profile option - more info on this KB article: 5.4.5 Directory

NOTE: The Directory can be turned off for all blocks or defaulted so that you can turn it on and off for each block. See the Portal settings for more info: 5.2.1 Portal Setting - Workbench

Switch Property
Unit holders that own more than one unit where their email address is linked to the multiple units can switch between the properties using this button.
If different units in the same block or different blocks have a people involved record that has the same email address, the system does prompt you if you want to link them. 
This is how you link units to be able to switch property once logged in or pick the unit you wish to select on the portal login page. 
NOTE: The respective logo is shown alongside each property so it is clear to the user which account they are logging in and this makes it clear when they are making payments:

Report A Problem
When unit holders want to report an problem/issue with the property such as roof leaks or broken fence (maintenance work mainly but could be other things as well), they can use this function. 
More info on this KB article: 5.4.7 Report a Problem

Contact Us
These are details controlled via the Workbench settings screen. More info on this KB article: 3.5.6 Portal

Profile and Settings
Here is where you can update you profile details such as your name and telephone as well as decide whether to display certain information on the Portal Directory for other portal users to see that are part of that block. More info on this KB article: 5.4.8 Profile and Settings

Management Team / Directors
If you are a Management Team / Director within a block, then you are presented with more visibility to certain features. 
You will also be shown the banner which outlines that you are in the Management Team / Directors Portal: 

You can also see tickets with a visibility of Management (or Directors): 

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